Chapter 35

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"Leave. Now, or I'm going to be really unpleasant," Lucas warned.
"You're threatening your father?" the black-haired man said. Knowing this was Lucas father should calm Luna down, but it didn't.

Luna hid behind Lucas and grabbed his shirt. He turned his head, gave her an assuring smile, and took her hand.
"I will threaten you if you threaten or hurt the woman I love," Lucas told him with a strong voice.
"I never raised you this way."

"No, I raised myself to be an honorable man."
"An honorable man does not betray his family." As Mr. Carter said that, Luna had a strange feeling. Something was wrong, something was really wrong and it had to do with Mr. Carter.
"You don't have to tell me that," Lucas replied. "Leave. I don't wanna see you anywhere close to her."

"This is not over, Lucas. We're going to talk," the other man said.
"It is and we both know that. Accept it and go." Glancing up at Lucas, she saw that his eyes were bright red. It was just for a moment, but it was enough to make the other two give in and leave.

Lucas turned around to her and put his hands on her waist. "I'm sorry they bothered you. If you see them again, just walk away and if they don't, call me," he told her.
"I will." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Who was the other man?" She lifted herself onto one of the barstools.

He pulled one close to her. "That was Alexander. He's my biggest enemy, you could say. He hates it that I won."
"Well, his bad. You made many people's lives much better." She gave him an assuring smile. "You're pretty amazing and it's somewhat charming." He chuckled.

He cupped her face, pressing his lips for a passionate kiss on hers. Her hands naturally touched his chest and shoulders. She wanted more. She wanted to feel him, feel his skin under her fingers. Feel his skin on hers. His sweet kisses on her body and she wanted to leave hickeys on him to show everyone he was taken.

She wanted to feel him in every way possible, and she had never felt like that. Never wanted someone so much before. She wanted to love every little bit of him, and she would.
Lucas pulled away first and brushed back a strand of her hair. Five seconds later, she knew why he pulled away. The bartender brought her coke.

"Can I get you something?" the bartender asked.
"A coke please."
"Just coke or with alcohol?"
"Just coke. I feel like I want to be at all my senses tonight." He smiled at Luna when he said that. The bartender left and Lucas pulled her a little closer.

They turned around and watched the other people dance and talk.
"Do you see what I see?" Luna asked and leaned her head on Lucas' shoulder. He put his arm behind her on the counter.
"What do you see?"

She pointed at Asher talking to several girls and drinking. "He'll be drunk, so he will go home and fall right into bed." Her finger wandered to Wyatt flirting with Emma. "He will take her home tonight." Lastly, she directed her finger in Reyna's and Natalie's direction. They were making out. "They will go either to Natalie or to Reyna and have sex all night."

She lowered her arm and looked up at Lucas. "I see no one disturbing us. Will you come home with me?" He grinned at her, bend down, and pecked her lips.
"I would love to." She pecked his lips and they stayed that way for a while. It felt good and the night would be getting better.


The next morning she was awoken by an alarm. Luna rubbed her eyes as she slowly woke up.
The loud noise was turned down and she felt Lucas turn back to her. His arm wrapped back around her waist, the other was under her head.

"Good morning, love." She felt his lips on the tip of her nose and smiled.
"Good morning," she whispered and cuddled more into him, taking in his scent.
"How do you feel? And how do I make you feel better?" She was so falling for his morning voice. It was deeper and a little raspy. And she loved it.

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