Chapter 4

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A little after eight p.m. Luna walked up the street to Lucas' apartment.
She wasn't even sure if he would be home, she hoped he was. And if he wasn't, she hoped that his stepbrother or Wyatt would be home and she could leave a message.

Finding the apartment wasn't too hard. It was definitely bigger than hers.
Ringing the bell, she waited for someone to open the door.
At the same time, she started to be more and more nervous.
Why? She was just meeting a friend, right? What was there to be nervous about?

A minute passed without anybody coming to the door. She knocked and that's when the door slightly opened by itself. It wasn't locked, which was suspicious. A warning rung in her head.
She was pretty sure that it shouldn't be like that.
She was pretty sure that she shouldn't go inside, but she did.

Luna took slow, quiet steps, ignoring the bad feeling in her stomach.
"Hello? Is someone there?" she asked loud enough for someone to hear. How much trouble would she get for breaking into a house?

However, that was all forgotten, when she walked around the corner and saw him lying on the ground. Blood pooled under him. She walked closer, she hadn't seen his face yet, but she believed to know who it was. His head turned towards her and he looked straight into her eyes.

"By the angels," she swore. For a second she stood there frozen, then she ran to him and fell to her knees beside him. "What happened?" she asked, her eyes scanned his body. There was so much blood.

She took out her phone and was about to call 911 when Lucas grabbed her wrist.
"Don't. Call. The hospital," he said between heavy breaths.
"You need medical help or you are going to die. You lost so much blood. Lucas-"
"Luna, it's fine. Trust me. You can't call them." She heard the weakness in his voice, but she also heard how serious he was and that he trusted her not to do so.

"Fine. Where's your first-aid kit?"
"In the bathroom." Luna got up and quickly ran in the direction Lucas indicated. She found the bathroom on her second attempt and searched for the box.

On her way out, she grabbed a towel, as well. She set both next to Lucas and ran into the kitchen. Opening the cupboards, she looked for a bowl and filled it with water.
When she was back next to him, she took away his hands and opened his shirt. By now she had seen the cuts and wounds on his body.

Luna had no idea how he got those, she was less certain that she would get answers for it, but right now, she might need to save a life.

She wetted the towel and quickly cleaned the wounds from the blood. They didn't look any better and blood still leaked out of the wound on his stomach and hip.

After cleaning the wounds on his head and arms, she decided she could take care of them later.
She took off her jacket, pressed it to the wound on his stomach, and put Lucas' hand over it to stop the bleeding.

Then, she opened his belt and jeans button to pull them a little down.
"I didn't imagine it to happen like this," Lucas joked, while she pulled his jeans down until she could see the wound on his hip.

"I can't believe you even imagined it." She wiped her bloody hands on the towel and turned to the first-aid kit to take out the needle and suture. Preparing that, hands shaking, she took the disinfection and put some on a cotton pad.

"You didn't?" he asked, she shook her head and started to disinfect the wound.
"You're so cute," he whispered. She finished disinfecting and started to suture the wound.

"I basically broke into your house, found you blood-covered, and instead of calling 911, I'm trying to play nurse and stitch up your wound. I'm not sure if anything of this can be considered cute," she spoke, her focus on the wound.

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