Chapter 8

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The next day Luna sat alone at lunch.
It was already after three, so there were only a few more students in the dining hall. 
Her English lecture was the reason why she only got to eat now. At the same time, she was taking notes on her project for business class.

Luna had been sitting here for quite some time now. She was almost done eating her pasta when Reyna rushed into the dining hall and fell into the chair in front of her. Luna's eyes were wide of surprise as she stared at her best friend and then laughed.

"What the hell? Are you okay?" Luna asked. Reyna had a bright smile and looked like someone had just given her a gallon of chocolate, or blood. "Found a treasure?"
"Yes, even better," Reyna answered and put down her bag. "I met someone new in a lecture, her name-"

"Wait, what lecture did you have?" Luna interrupted her.
"Arts and Fashion Design." Two of Reyna's most favorite things, so whoever it was, it must be someone like a soulmate. "Her name is Natalie and she studies arts. She's  new in town and doesn't know many people. We got to talk during the lecture and I just love her."

"Are you seriously replacing me? I thought we would stay best friends forever," Luna playfully said and placed her hand over her heart.

"How could I ever replace you? We will always be best friends," Reyna disagreed understanding her playfulness. "She's just... a new friend I like. You should've seen her pictures, they look amazing and she has such a great personality. She's so kind. You would like her, she likes to read," Reyna told her about the new girl, trying to convince her that she was great.

Luna knew by the way Reyna talked about this girl that she was special.
And Reyna wasn't the type to just let anyone close. Sure, her friend group was bigger than hers, but not many got that close to Reyna. And less were praised by Reyna to Luna or anyone. She wasn't that kind of girl, but she was the kind of girl that loved passionately.

"Makes her much more likable," Luna replied with a smile and finished her notes, while she listened to Reyna.
"I hope you like her. If she doesn't pass you, I don't like her anymore and she can't be my friend," Reyna said, Luna shook her head.

"Don't condition it on me. I like her if you do and Natalie sounds like a cool person."
"She is and I seriously love her paintings. She showed me some after class and they are to die  for. Mostly she draws nature and it looks so realistic. Similar to when I draw people," Reyna went on.

"That means a lot. Your drawings of people are another level," Luna said, the doubt was written in her face. Reyna nodded.
"I know and she is that good. Like literally, she's so talented and cute. Almost as much as you."

"And you said Lucas and I got so close in two weeks. Look at you, you only needed a few hours," Luna stated with a smirk and finished the last sentence of her notes.
"Yeah, but you are shyer and don't rush it. I'm your total opposite I go straight at it."

"Then tell me you got her number, 'cause if you don't, may the angels help you to find her again on this big campus." Luna closed her laptop and put her things together.
Then she looked up to see Reyna holding out her phone showing her Natalie's contact on her phone.

"Of course, I got her number. We did it straight after class and went on to talk for a while."
"I should've known. You never let an opportunity miss."
"You never know what's the right decision, so." Reyna shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

"So did you ask her out?" Reyna looked at her with wide eyes.
"What?" she asked shocked.
"You heard me. Did you ask her out?" Luna repeated herself and waited for Reyna to answer. When Reyna didn't answer, Luna spoke. "You know to hang out, talk, and have some fun."

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