Chapter 26

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When Lucas leaned back in his chair and looked up from his laptop, hours have passed. Luna sat in the chair in front of his desk, her head rested on her arms that lay on the desk. She fell asleep reading the book.

They had spent about one and a half hours in the library of the ARIA to find anything that could be related to the legend. When Luna first stepped into the room, her eyes had widened. The library was really big and he knew she would love it, even if most of the books were boring as hell.

For a split second, she had forgotten that she just had been sad.
For a split second, then she remembered why they were in there and her smile had dropped. He had tried to cheer her up and told her she could borrow some fairy books she liked. It had worked a little and she had found two books about fairy magic and second type fairies.

They had found a few books and a lot of papers and documents that could fit for their case. They had gone to his office and started working through it in silence. Lucas had tried to talk with her about tonight.

But to be honest, he didn't quite know how to start this conversation, or even what they should talk about. He believed, he knew, that there was nothing he could say, that would make her cheer up. That could change something and make her not be sad, make her feel better.
There was nothing he could say, he knew that for a fact. Lucas had gone through it before.

Now that she was asleep, she seemed peaceful. She seemed tired and she surely was. Her injuries were still healing. Luna should be resting and not thinking about stuff like this. The things she found out were hard on her, they were exhausting her.

Lucas remembered it.
He had felt just as exhausted and tired when he was finding out a lot of stuff about his father. He had felt helpless every time he had gone against his father's will, every time he had refused to do something, every time he had tried to stop him.

Back then, he had been in no position to do so, but now he was.
He was glad that he was able to do that now, but he threatened the day he had to arrest Luna's parents.

The fact that she helped them showed that she hated what her parents were doing. That she knew exactly what they were doing was wrong and she wanted it to stop. Luna knew she was doing the right thing.

However, it still hurt.
At the end of the day, they were still her parents and they loved her, there was no question. She loved them, too. They took every step with her and raised her to be an independent woman, even if they kidnapped her from her family.

Her real family.
Lucas had wanted to start investigations on it, but he hadn't gotten the time and Luna had said she didn't want to look for them now. Of course, she mainly said that because of everything else going on. That and because she was a little afraid of meeting them, that's at least what he assumed.

However, he had tried one thing the last weeks. He had called the woman from Luna's dream several times. Something told him that woman was important and that there was an important link between Luna and her.

The problem was that she never picked up the phone and she never called him back as he had asked her to. His gaze fell on the phone, he could give it another shot.
It was late, really late, but didn't that have to mean that she was home? Right now, Lucas gave a damn if he got her out of bed, he needed to talk to her. Not only about losing a child twenty-one years ago.

That woman knew the boss of the black stitch and she could give them some serious information. She could give them something.
He took the phone and dialed the number that stood on a piece of paper under the telephone.

It rung.
Four times. Six times. The mailbox sprung on.

"Hello, Mrs. Jonas. I'm Lucas Carter from the ARIA. I would ask you to please call me back immediately. I need to discuss some serious matters with you." His gaze fell on Luna. "You have nothing to worry about, I just want to talk." He hung up, lifted himself from the chair, and walked over to the cupboard, where he stored a blanket in case he worked longer or was too tired to drive home.

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