Chapter 24

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Wednesday morning Lucas sat at the large table with twelve more council members instead of sitting in a lecture hall. His lecture had been canceled and the meeting was rescheduled to this morning instead of this evening.

Lucas sat nervously at the table. At their last meeting on Thursday, many council members had seemed to change their minds and support Lucas' opinion to some degree at least.
The most important question was, were they still on his side?

"Let's begin today's meeting a little different," Anthony declared. "We'll start with voting whether the law that forbids mixed marriages and relationships should be introduced or not."
David stood up to lead the vote. "Everyone that believes it's the best for our community to introduce the law that forbids mixed marriages and relationships please raise their hand."

Mr. Carter, Anthony, Alexander, and Gabriel rose their hand.
"Everyone that believes we should not introduce the mentioned law please raise their hand."
Lucas, Jeremiah, Jonah, Elijah, August, and Arthur raised their hand.
"Everyone that remains neutral please raise their hand."

Left were only Richard, Henrik, and David.
"The majority has voted against introducing this law. Therewith, we will not introduce this law until further discussions were held and a new majority formed," David announced and took back his seat.

Lucas breathed out, thankful to have the majority for now. He knew he had to convince the others to be sure, but today's meeting might help with that.

"I would like to make a suggestion," Henrik spoke up, they nodded in agreement. "I believe it's easy to oversee the whole thing if you're discussing it for a long period. It would be best to once again name the demand and the arguments we have before we start today's discussion."

"I agree. Lucas, why don't you take over that task and voice your arguments?" David suggested.
Lucas wondered which game David was playing today. He had been against him from the very beginning and while he hadn't been as forceful as Antony and Alexander, he had not shared his opinion at all.

Today he remained neutral at the voting and wanted to listen to Lucas naming the arguments for his demands? Something was wrong or David was changing his mind.
Nonetheless, Lucas did as he was asked.

"The demand, in general, is change." It was hard to explain what exactly was the demand because it was so broad. "Demanded is the change in our attitude towards other kinds and the ARIA." That was the main part, but many little parts such as following the laws set by the ARIA and the government and allowing relationships with other kinds came along with them.

"We believe that this is necessary due to all the change that had happened around us. The different supernatural kinds are able to form friends with each other and live peacefully together. The ARIA has admitted and apologized for their mistakes. They have set new laws that protect werewolves like any other kind. It seems logical to begin with making changes in our community after we have seen change in the others," he named their arguments. Lucas leaned forward and interlaced his hands on the table.

"Most importantly, the younger generation seeks for a change in the werewolf community. They are living in a world that has changed dramatically since the time of war, in which many of our laws were set. They ask for a life in which they are able to have friends outside of the pack from different kinds and they ask for choosing their own partners," he finished.

"Thank you. Alexander, would you mind naming the arguments against making changes."
"There are several reasons we should stick to our old patterns. Our traditional way of life had proven to be the right one. It had worked ever since the existence of our kind and our kind has not betrayed us."

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