Chapter 22

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In the next second, the doorbell rang and they entered. Lucas grabbed Luna, his hand over her mouth to muffle her shocked scream, and ducked down with her. She looked at him and calmed down, so he took his hand away and indicated her to be silent.

She understood that something was wrong.
Leaving the basket there, they silently sneaked along the shelf until they could see the elderly man behind the checkout.

Lucas quickly checked if there were any cameras or mirrors in which they could be seen. And shit, there was the mirror in which they were clearly visible and there was a camera, as well.
They were at the end of the shop. If they got into the next aisle, they should be safe. The camera shouldn't get them when they ducked.

Lucas turned back to Luna, her hand was on his arm. He gave her a reassuring smile, telling her that everything would be fine. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her, he couldn't.
He pointed towards the other direction, silently telling her to move to the next aisle.

They sneaked along the aisle again, he silently took the basket with him, and when they reached the end, he stopped her and looked around the corner.

They saw Sam and Tresha looking at some products.
Luna recognized them now and looked up at Lucas. He nodded, she understood, but she was still afraid. That was bad.

He could smell that no one of them was a werewolf and could smell her fear, but Sam was a vampire and could smell them already. If he realized that something was off, this would not end well.

Lucas put his hand on her shoulder and drew little circles to calm her a little. It worked.
Sam and Tresha moved to the checkout. Lucas nodded to the other aisle, Luna understood and moved silently around the corner and then further in. As soon as they were safe between the shelves, he set the basket down and took her in his arms.

She wasn't scared anymore, the scent had vanished, as well. That was good.
Still, he held her in his arms and rested his head on hers. He closed his eyes and listened to them.

Their steps stopped.
"Do you want the usual?" the cashier asked.
"Yeah, give me the usual," a male voice said. This told Lucas that they came here often.
"Give me something new," the woman spoke disinterestedly.

Lucas heard some rustling, he assumed the cashier was moving to get the cigarettes. That was the only thing he had to give out.
"What else happened today?" Sam asked again.
"Nothing interesting," the cashier answered. Then, he scanned the products and took the money.

"Who else is in the store?" Tresha questioned. Lucas opened his eyes. Shit.
He took out the knife he had fixed at the back of his waistband. Luna bit her lip, seeing by his reaction that they might have to fight.

"Just a couple. Some lovebirds," the cashier answered her.
Lucas carefully fixed the knife at Luna's waistband and pulled her shirt over it. She might not need it, he hoped she didn't.

"Okay," Sam said after a few seconds and they went on to have some small talk.
They knew each other, Lucas was sure of that.

Three minutes later, they said their goodbyes and left the store. Lucas looked over his shoulder, they didn't look back.

He breathed through and they remained there for another two minutes before they got up.
"You're okay?" he whispered into her ear, Luna nodded. "Let's leave." He took her hand again. She stopped him.

"What is it?" he asked.
"We could ask the cashier if he knows the girl. Maybe he could tell us something," she suggested and it was a really good suggestion. He might have some information they could use. "Or is it too dangerous?"

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