Chapter 7

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Wednesday evening Luna met with Lucas to work on their project. 
They had gone to the library to get books separately, she had gone yesterday and found some for the project and some for her English class.

They had met after class, got some takeout food, and went to her place. Lucas had said his was too loud to work together.
So now, they sat at the table in front of their laptops, books and papers spread, and the smell of Chinese food lingering in the air.

She had spent half an hour to explain Lucas the rest of what he had missed last week and then they had started to read and take notes.
Luna was half way through one book that gave her a lot of information, hence she had a lot to write down.

While working, they talked about anything and nothing, asked little questions.
When she looked up from her laptop, she saw Lucas already watching her.
"You know you can ask me anything, right?" He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head a little.

"How do you know I wanna ask you something?" she questioned back, he just shrugged his shoulders and pushed his laptop aside.
"I just have a feeling." She pushed her laptop aside, as well, and crossed her arms on the table.
"Is Jayson supernatural?" she finally asked.

"He is a vampire," Lucas told her. "You suspected it as you did with Reyna?" She sensed he tried to find hints that could tell her kind. She shook her head.
"Not exactly. He just had been aggressive sometimes and he would get mad without reason."

She remembered how his kisses were never sweet or passionate, just forcing and demanding, and how he would get mad at her for simple things she said or when she told him her opinion.
She had loved him, but looking back she could see the way he suppressed her. Had she truly loved him? What was love though?

"That's not because he's a vampire. That's just how he is," he told her, "Don't date an aggressive guy, that's not your type."
"How do you know I don't like that?" she questioned playfully.
"Because you're a cute and innocent girl, you can't handle an aggressive guy."

"And how do you know I'm a cute and innocent girl?" She tilted her head interested. She wanted to know what he thought of her. Not just as a friend, but maybe something more.
Angels, was she rushing? It was barely a month since Jayson broke up with her. But this was different.

"That's what I thought of you since the first second I met you." He crossed his hands on the table and leaned forward. "And you proved me right over and over again." He leaned back again. "It doesn't mean you don't know how to speak up for yourself. You're fierce and a lot more."

"Okay, and what is your type?" He smiled genuinely.
"What a coincidence. My type is cute, innocent girls, who are shorter than me. Open-minded, tolerant, intelligent, she should be loyal and reliable, and if she's beautiful on top of that, I surely gonna marry her."

Luna directed her gaze to the table with a smile. Then, she looked back at him. "Good luck finding someone like that."
"I think I already found her." Lucas got up, walked around the table, and sat down next to her. He put his arm on the back of her chair and pulled her laptop closer to them.

"Let me see what you got." He started reading, her eyes were fixed on him and he knew that 'cause he started smirking. "If you want to, you can ask me some more questions about supernaturals," he offered. She thought about it. What did she want to know?

"I don't know. I guess I know too little about this world to form questions," she concluded.
"They will come along the way, just ask whenever you want to," Lucas said, his eyes stayed on the screen. She kept her thoughts on what she could ask while Lucas read.

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