Chapter 2

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"More details would be appreciated," Lucas said and raised an eyebrow. It was nothing new that a catastrophe was created by supernaturals. As much as humans could create trouble, supernaturals could too. If not even worse. 

"I would appreciate that as well, but I didn't get them either." Jackson gave him the folder that lay on the table. Opening it, Lucas saw a few papers and pictures in it. "The reports state that the structure was undamaged before and that there was no sign of damage through some kind of tool." 

"Rotten and burnt?" Lucas asked irritated while leaning against the table. He took out one of the photos and eyed it. The metal the building had been made of was now black. Burn marks were visible and it looked like it had lost its strength. It looked a little bit like rotten vegetables.

"That's why magic had to be involved. To be specific a warlock."
"Don't you think this is a little bit much for a warlock's doing? They might be powerful, but this is even out of their range," Lucas disagreed and took a look at the other photos, photos of four men.

"That's why we suspect a group of warlocks. Also, it's the only lead we have. Fifteen minutes before the building collapsed a group of men entered and haven't been found. They're still trying to get people out of the building, but we can surely say that they won't be under them."

"You already checked the data base for them?" Lucas asked while skimming the report of witnesses. Besides the cameras that caught the man, also the witnesses reported them.
They stated that the men had been looking suspicious. They also indicated that something was about to happen.

"I did. They're not registered, but that is Sandy Gonzales." Jackson pointed at the picture with the blond man. "He has a long police record and was involved in several crimes from stealing up to murder. He got away with the last one."

"Any organizations or underground groups he was in?" Lucas skimmed his profile at the same time. Jackson didn't lie about his police record.
"We don't know."
"You want me to get the guy here and interrogate him?" Lucas closed the folder and put it back on the table. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and raised an eyebrow when Jackson shook his head.

"If he's part of a group, the others will find out that we interrogated him and run."
"Let me guess. I should follow him?" Jackson shook his head.
"Okay. I'm not following him. Did you call me in just to tell me this?"
"I called you in to work on another mission. You need to work on both."

"You're extra today," Lucas commented, "What's the other mission about?"
"An underground group. I need you to find some of the members and follow them. Find all the information you can get so that we can take them down all at once."
"That's easy. Anything you got for me?" Jackson nodded to the other folder on the table. Grabbing it, he opened it and started skimming the information.

"You have to finish it fast. I need your full attention on the warlock mission."
"Then why don't you find someone else to do the job," Lucas said in a bored voice, his eyes still fixed on the papers.
"Because you're the best," Jackson answered and Lucas knew if he looked up, he would see a smirk on Jackson's face.

"That's a point." Lucas smiled and closed the file. He would read the rest in a bit in front of his computer with a cup of coffee and a bagel. He needed food first.
"I will follow Mr. Gonzales and find out what he has to hide. Before you start working on that, I need you to watch the footage and see if you can find something else," Jackson informed.

"And who makes me breakfast?" Lucas complained, his stomach perfectly grumbled.
"I'll bring you something on my way back."
"Great. I'm gonna starve." Jackson laughed and grabbed the remote for the smartboard. Switching it on, he played the footage.

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