Chapter 36

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Friday evening, the girls went to dinner together. Luna and Reyna had switched their shift, so they had the night off. Luna was sitting with her phone on the table, picking in her pasta that she had barely eaten. She was barely listening to the conversation the girls were having.

"Lu, we should get matching tattoos on our chest. What do you think about a giant skeleton?" Reyna addressed her, but Luna's eyes were still fixed on her phone screen.
"Yeah, sure," she agreed, not realizing what she agreed to. She was trying to figure out where this building could be and what kind of building it was.

Luna had made a photo of the legend, so they could keep the original secure at Lucas' office. She had been staring at the screen for hours, staring at the sketch of the building, trying to figure it out.

It did have some similarities with a church, but she wasn't sure if it really was one. There was no indication for it. Lucas and she had been looking at his computer screen for hours, looking at buildings all over the world. They had failed to find it.

"Scoop over," Reyna said and pushed her inside the booth. Luna was surprised since she had not even seen Reyna get out of the booth. "What's so interesting that you don't even hear me talking? That breaks all records of your curiosity," Reyna said and took away her phone. She read through the legend.

"I'm not sure I get it, but isn't this your specialty? Making analysis and interpreting? You're incredible at it and I should know, you wrote most of my essays and helped me with homework," she said and frowned at her. Reyna gave her the phone and leaned back in the booth. Waiting for an answer.

"It's not the legend. It's the sketch. We're trying to figure out which place it is," Luna explained.
"Show us. Maybe we can help," Emma suggested. Luna positioned her phone in the middle of the table and let them put their heads over it together.

"What is it for?" Natalie wanted to know as they sat back again.
"The legend should tell us how to defeat Malcolm and the child. We hope that sketch is part of it and tells us to which sanctuary place we have to go to." Luna actually realized now that she was the only one who hadn't eaten up yet. They were all done, but she wasn't.

"That sounds like you guys are almost done with it," Natalie said.
"It sounds dangerous and that Lucas is pulling you straight into it," Reyna said.
"I chose to help him and I can protect myself. You saw me training yesterday," Luna reminded her, Reyna rolled her eyes.

"I know and I know he will protect you, but you're still my best friend and I don't wanna see you hurt or bleeding on the ground." Luna hugged her tight.
"I'll be fine. I've got this." Reyna hugged her back and sighed.
"You're impossible," she whispered. They pulled away and Luna gave her a big smile.
"That's why I'm your best friend. You love me for it."

"Do I?" Luna played to be hurt, putting her hand to her heart.
"How can you do this to me? After all, we've been through." The three girls laughed about it
"I'm joking," Reyna laughed. "Tell us about the legend. What did you find out?"

Luna gave them an update on their status, which was not much different from Tuesday evening. She told them about their research and she also told them that Jackson, Nicholas, and Charlie were still following the man to find their headquarters or where the child was.

That was the new plan. Finding out where the child was and kidnapping the child. It was more secure when he was with them instead of Malcolm. However, they were not sure in how far Malcolm had control over him, so it could be dangerous. They wouldn't find out until they tried.

"I wish the answers would fall from the sky. I'm sick of people getting hurt," she finished and her gaze wandered outside the window. It was already dark and the clock said it was almost ten p.m. They had gone to dinner late.

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