Chapter 23

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The first thing she felt was her aching body.
It hurt, it hurt everywhere.
Then, she felt the softness under her and the heaviness above her. She felt something pressing on her arm and something warm enclosing her other hand.

Luna heard the regular beeping of a machine and voices coming from the distance. She couldn't make out what they were talking about.
She smelt something itchy. It wasn't pleasant, but it was familiar.

She tried opening her eyes, wanting to know where she was, what happened. She failed and tried moving her fingers. That worked and then she tried opening her eyes again. 
Her eyelids felt heavy and she squinted her eyes before finally opening them.

Above her was a stone ceiling, lights illuminated the room. She was in a bed, a heavy white blanket lay above her. To her left was a cardiac monitor drawing her heartbeats. Several needles were inside her arm and she was glad she hadn't seen them being put in.

To her right stood Lucas, who held her hand. He had a little band-aid on his head.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked softly. Luna tried sitting up and he immediately helped her. It hurt, but it felt better to sit than lay.

"Everything hurts, especially my shoulder, but I'm fine," she answered and bend her fingers to enclose his hand.
"That's not the definition of fine," he disagreed with a smile. Behind him a brown-haired man gave out a laughing sound. Then, he stepped around the bed towards her left side. He wore a white coat and she gave it a guess that he was a doctor.

"I'm Dr. Willis. I treated your wounds when Lucas brought you to the Academy," he told her and took out a little light. "Is it okay if I check you through?" She nodded as an answer.
Shining the light into her eyes, he checked them.

"I'll ask you a few questions to see if there could be any amnesia. Can you tell me your name, age, where you're from, your school's name, and the last thing you remember?" he asked as he finished and took a step back.

"Luna Jones, I'm twenty-one and I'm from Dacrest, New York. I attend the Dacrest University and the last thing I remember is that Lucas and I were fighting against two people in the parking area of a supermarket." Lucas confirmed it.

"You had internal bleedings because of the stab wound, but I healed it with magic. It's okay and you don't have to worry about it. I sewed the wound and bandaged it. Although healing magic is a good thing, letting it heal naturally is better. You have a few cuts and some scratches, but nothing that won't heal." She saw that her left hand was bandaged and there was one on her right upper arm too.

"The pain in your shoulder comes from the vampire's bite. He drank a lot of your blood, but the blood infusion will help with that. He poisoned you and if it wasn't for Lucas sucking the poison out, you would be dead," he told her.

Dr. Willis told her she would get some painkillers and medicaments. She could go home a little later, it was still the middle of the night.
After that, Dr. Willis left the two alone in the empty hospital room.

"Thank you for saving my life." She looked up at Lucas with a smile.
"You shouldn't thank me. We wouldn't have been in that situation if I had listened to you."
"You couldn't have known," she disagreed and squeezed his hand.

"But you did."
She shook her head. "I just didn't like the atmosphere."
"Or you felt the future." Lucas sat down on the bed next to her. "It's not rare that people who can see the future can also feel it. You felt something bad was going to happen, something bad happened."

She couldn't deny it, it's probably what it was because she had been with Lucas and normally she always felt safe with him. She had no reason to be afraid.
"Then, we'll know it better the next time."
"I hope there is no next time. I seriously don't want to ever hold your dying body in my arms again," he said and she remembered his words from earlier.

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