Chapter 31

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Luna shut them out.
She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. Holding her hands on the level of her chest, she tried to create light in her hands again. It didn't work, but she wouldn't give up.
What did she do that day? How did she do it? It couldn't just be fear, right?

But she couldn't remember it. All she remembered was the fear and the panic.
Luna kept her eyes closed, kept calm, and searched for something inside of her. She was born with it, her magic was inside of her, so she should feel it.

She searched for it, and then she felt it. That tiny spark of warmth in her chest. Luna grasped for it, held on to it. She felt that warmth, power, grow inside of her and come to the surface. Her fingers prickled. She opened her eyes and saw the light in her hands.

Amazed she stared at the magic. Looking up, she saw the others still arguing. "Guys," she called for them, but they didn't hear her. "Guys!" Still nothing.
Not caring, she thought about what else she could do.

'You can do anything with light.' She looked up to the ceiling lights and grasped the power of it. Slowly, she pulled that power towards her, and with it, the light went away. The room became dark and only the bright light in her hands illuminated the room.

That made the others shut up and look at her.
"Now look at that," Wyatt said with a grin.
"My advice? Just let her do it, we're talking about Luna," Reyna said.

"That's very impressive," Natalie said.
"What did you do?" Emma asked curiously.
"I felt it inside of me and just did it," she answered. "Should I stop?"

"Yes," Asher said.
"No," Lucas said. She looked at them, not sure what to do now. "Don't stop. Keep it that way or is it exhausting?"
"No. It actually feels really good," she told him. The others looked at each other and smiled.

"You're officially, completely one of us," Reyna announced.
"No offense, but she's better than us," Wyatt said.
"I knew that before," Lucas commented and then focused on her again. "Why don't you try something more? Whatever you like."

Luna nodded, but she wasn't sure what to do. She took a minute, thought about it, and then she did have an idea. Lucas had told her she was a second type fairy. She had wings and she would love to see them.

She closed her eyes and tried to feel her wings since they should be a part of her. She felt the warmth inside of her again. She felt how her body started to prickle and a breathtaking feeling embraced her whole body.

"Holy shit," she heard Reyna exclaim.
"By the witches," Emma followed. Luna opened her eyes to face the shocked expressions of her friends. She looked over at Lucas, who looked amazed. His eyes told her how much he admired her right now.

"You look like an angel," Lucas spoke.
"Careful, you're being charming." She turned her head to see her wings and it was beautiful. They were big, shining, and seemed like they consisted of light. They looked unreal, but they were. She turned back to her friends.

"This is kind of cool." They agreed.
"Go on," Lucas encouraged her. "Obviously trying works just fine." She glanced at the light in her hand. She felt every little piece of it. Slowly she separated them and let them float through the room. They flew in the air like they were little lanterns.

"Oh, I tell you. She's going to be powerful," Emma promised.
"Lu, can you fly?" Reyna asked.
She didn't know.
She didn't know if she wanted to try.

"I don't know."
Lucas stepped closer to her and put his hands on her waist. "Just try, I'm here."
"What if I fall?" she voiced her concerns.
"Then I will catch you." He kissed her forehead, not letting go of her waist. "Try," he whispered.
"How do I do it?"

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