Chapter 11

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Twenty minutes later Lucas and Luna were back on the road and on their way back home.
Luna had been silent ever since, her mind was replaying the last hours and processing all the new information.

When she was done thinking about everything and kind of nothing, she looked over at Lucas.
He had been silent, too.

"Are you made at me?" she broke the silence. It was a silly question, of course, he was mad. But what for? She had done nothing wrong. She wasn't a kid that had to be supervised, she could make her own decisions and letting Ms. Rose use her magic on her was a reasoned and sophisticated decision. There was no reason to ask him for permission.

"Ms. Rose was informed you were new to the supernatural world. She had no right to go ahead and use her magic on you like that. Especially, considering that we are unaware why you won't show," Lucas answered instead. His eyes were fixed on the road and she could see the green of his eyes shimmer into a slight red.

"I gave her my permission to do it. It was my decision to take the risk of something going wrong," Luna argued, turning slightly in her seat so she could face him, even if he couldn't.
"It was," he agreed. "But honestly, I don't think you have the right to make decisions concerning anything supernatural."

Luna was shocked by his answer. She didn't know this side of Lucas and she definitely disliked this part of him. This part that said things like that.
"Are you saying I, a grown woman, cannot make my own decisions? Why? And what right do you have to decide that?" Her tone spoke of disbelieve. 

His shoulders fell and he looked over to her for a moment. "Luna-"
"I knew what I was doing, I didn't just rush into it. I made a decision after I thought about the risks. She said nothing would happen, no one could've predicted that something would happen," her voice rose as she defended herself. Her chest felt heavy, this argument was bothering her.

"You can't even start to think about the possible risks that come with magic being used on you. There are side effects, for example. Did you really think about what could possibly happen if something went wrong?" he questioned her and raised an eyebrow at her.

"I did," she fired back.
"Okay, let me hear it. What was the worst case scenario in your mind?" The question caught her of guard. She really had thought about it and things had gone through her mind, but nothing concrete.

"That it would indeed hurt a little, but it was nothing more than a scan. Not much different from a scan at the doctors," she argued again.
"That's where you're wrong. At doctors it's rays, here it is actual magic going over and in your body. The worst that could've happened is that the pain overpowered your body's ability to fight and killed you. The magic could've killed, Luna, do you realized that?"

She was silent.
Luna had not realized that and she somehow felt stupid right now. But she felt like she was right too. Like what she had done wasn't wrong. Was it because she got answers?  

"Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Have I not patiently explained and answered all your questions? Didn't I tell you that I would answer all of them whenever?" he asked another question. His voice was softer now and as he looked at her, the shimmer of red in his eyes was gone now and the green seemed softer.

"No, you didn't." Quite the opposite," her voice was quieter too.
"Exactly. So, why couldn't you just have asked me? I wouldn't just have said no." 

She didn't answer that. Quiet fell on them for a moment.
"You're mad at me," she stated. Rightfully.

"I'm not mad, Luna." Lucas looked over at her and saw that she didn't buy it. "Listern, the full moon wasn't long ago, so my instincts and abilities are stronger and made me want to protect you even more."

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