Chapter 15

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"What else?" Lucas asked.
"I asked a few people. They were members of one of the worst gangs in the US, the black stitch. It dissolved shortly after these two got registered. Also, I believe they're involved in our mission. They went to Wales shortly before that landscape was found burnt. That can't be a coincidence."

Luna's face dropped in an instant, then her eyes widened.
"We don't know for sure. It's better they don't know that we're looking for them before we know what's going on."
"You're right. What about your investigation?"
"Nothing. I'm on my way back. I'll talk to you later." They hung up and Lucas peered over at Luna.

She had let go of his hand and stuck hers under her thighs. Her head was lowered, her hair had fallen in front of her face. He knew she was about to cry.
"Luna?" he asked softly and watched her from the corner of his eyes.

"So, not only am I not their child, but it's more likely that they kidnapped me."
"We don't know that," Lucas tried to give her some kind of hope.
"You think the same," she argued and she was right.

They were bad people once and while they might have changed, it was more likely that they didn't. Especially, because Luna couldn't find the adoption papers, because they did not tell her she was adopted, because they had held the supernatural world a secret from her, and  because they prevented her from showing.

It was more likely that they were still committing crimes.
"Can you pull over for a minute? I think I need some fresh air," she asked.
"Yeah, of course." Luckily, there was a rest stop coming up.
Lucas took the exit to the rest stop and parked the car in a parking lot.

Luna didn't wait for him to turn off the engine, she got out and took a few steps away from the car. Lucas followed her and as he stood behind her and watched her, he felt sorry for her.
Regretted asking Jackson to check her parents, but he knew they would have done it eventually.

Luna had crossed her arms in front of her chest, she was shaking.
Lucas heard her silent cries. He walked to her and as he stood in front of her, seeing her cry for so many things, his heart broke a little.

He stepped closer and protectively put his arms around her. Her arms instantly went around him as she cried into his shirt and more tears fell.
"I'm so sorry, Luna," he whispered and stroked her back to calm her down.

At that moment, he wanted to give her hope, but if he told her something that likely wouldn't be the case then it would be even worse if it turned out to be wrong.
"It's gonna be fine. I promise I make it better." And while he didn't know how, he would do anything to make it work.

It took a few minutes until she calmed down, stopped crying, and just embraced him.
He gently brushed back her hair and made her look at him. "It's gonna be fine," he breathed, she just nodded. He brushed away the tears and smiled at her.
Luna brought her hands up to his and held on to them.

"We have to go back," she suddenly told him. He frowned.
"Go back where?"
"To my parents' house. I think you should have a look at the papers I found."


She led Lucas inside the house and went straight to her parents' office, where she took out the papers from under the bottom drawer. Getting back up she handed it to Lucas, who started to skim them.

"I found a small metal box in my parents' bedroom under the bottom drawer of their wardrobe. There were only their wedding papers, the contract for the house, and a few more papers I didn't get. I can show you those, too," she told him, Lucas nodded without looking at her.

It took him a few minutes before he finished and when he looked at her, his expression told her everything. Her parents did some really bad things. And one of that included her or maybe not. She was hoping that it did not include her. She wanted to believe that at least a little part of her parents was good. That they had legally adopted her, not just taken from another family. 

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