Chapter 18

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Wednesday evening Luna and Wyatt had gone on a run in the park. Wyatt had suggested to do it that way and educate her on werewolves while running. He told her a few more new things Lucas hadn't told her.

At the same time, she got to know Wyatt more and knew it would be great to have him around. He was fun, but sometimes it seemed like a cover. Like there was something else he wanted to say, like it was played, less natural.

She wondered what he was hiding, why he was hiding it, but Luna wasn't the type of person to just ask. If he wanted to tell her, he surely would. He made clear he liked her.

"I have to say, you're really fit," Wyatt complimented and speed up a little more. He had done that from time to time and she was able to keep up until now.
"Are all werewolves this fit?" she asked, Wyatt shook his head.

"Not everyone and some are not fit at all for a werewolf, but we can go longer than humans and other supernatural kinds," he explained. "But just like for humans our fitness level depends on how much we train and how healthy we eat."

"Does it help for when you transform? Like does it hurt less if you're fitter?"
Wyatt didn't answer right away. It was like he had to think about that question himself and it took him a few minutes to answer.

"You won't really find a werewolf saying the transformation hurts, no matter how fit he is or not. We have our first transformation around the age of six. After that we turn with every full moon. The transformation doesn't hurt, it's like the most amazing feeling."

"Did the first time scare you?" She came to a stop, they were finally done with their run.
"Nooo." Luna laughed about his lie. "You should've seen Lucas. He was sure he was dying." That made her laugh harder.

"All I can say is, don't mess with a were, no matter the age. They're stronger than you and got you on the ground before you can scream for help." He stepped back and put his arms up in a defensive position. "Wanna see how strong I am?" She bit her lip and took a step back.
"Why do I have a feeling that you could pick me up and throw me across the park?"

"I could," he said totally serious, her eyes widened. Then, he started to laugh. "But I wouldn't. Lucas would kill me if you get hurt, and he doesn't care who did it." That made her heart beat a little faster. "Come on. I'm not using my whole power on you, I just wanna show you how strong a werewolf can be," he told her.

She wasn't sure about this, but she trusted him. Luna lifted her arms into a defensive stance and strengthened her position. Knowing that Wyatt wouldn't make the first attack, she did.
Luna walked closer and feinted a cross, which Wyatt blocked. She did feel his strength holding her arm away. He was clearly stronger than her usual opponents. Nevertheless, it did not stop her from performing a left hook that hit his head.

It was weak, she didn't want to hurt him, but the hook had taken him by surprise. It was obvious he hadn't expected that. Wyatt stepped back and in the next second attacked. It was fast, but she made it to block it, though that wasn't easy. She felt the strength he had and knowing that he didn't use all his powers, scared her a little.

She was powerless against a werewolf or vampire. She could do nothing.
"You know how to fight," Wyatt realized impressed. Luna did a 360 spin, going down and trying to kick his feet away. Wyatt caught on and stepped back.

She stood with her fists up again. "I do kickboxing and boxing as a hobby. I have done other forms of martial arts when I was a kid," she told him.
"Does Lucas know that?" Wyatt gave her a questioning expression, which she replied with a sheepish one.

"Well, he didn't ask."
Wyatt laughed. "Will you tell him or should I tell him how impressive your fighting skills are?" Luna attacked knowing he wouldn't expect it. Wyatt blocked her side hock and attacked with one himself. She blocked it and went straight for a high kick. He stepped back and she followed, turning and kicking with the other foot. This time he grabbed her foot.

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