Chapter 29

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Monday afternoon, Luna stood in her sportswear in front of Lucas in the boxing studio, arms up and focused on his every move. He bluffed a hook from the right and attacked with a cross. She easily blocked it and responded with a kick in his side. Lucas blocked it but didn't  see the other kick coming.

She hit his shoulder and met his surprised look. They stopped and she stepped closer to him. Lucas put his arms around her waist and pulled her body against his sweaty chest, she didn't mind. She didn't look any better.

"You have a really high kick," he praised her.
"I'm not too bad," she said with a proud grin.
"You're amazing," he said.
"That's why I got my ass kicked by a vampire?" Luna raised an eyebrow at him, knowing she was right.

"That was because he was a vampire and you never fought against one before. In our next session we gonna focus on you landing a hit on me while I use speed," he instructed. He let go of her and put his arms back up. She copied him, waited a second, and then attacked.

She performed a cross, followed by a left hook, she spun around and tried a kick. Lucas was able to block the cross and the hook, he stepped back from the kick. Meanwhile, she took back her defensive position. He attacked next, she dodged the cross and attacked with a hook.

When they stood in front of each other again, she asked: "Are you going to use your power too?"
Lucas was hesitant to answer and his expression told her he didn't want to do it but might have to. It would be better, it would be real. If she had to fight against vampires and werewolves, she should be prepared for them to use their powers.

"A little bit." Lucas attacked with a hook, she blocked it. At the same time, he grabbed her arm, turned her back to him, and pulled her against his chest. Her arm was still in his grip, the other was stuck under his arm that was wrapped around her hip and held her to him.

"But I won't ever hurt you," he whispered close to her ear and kissed her temple. "Now, show me how you get out of this."
"Alright." Luna hooked her foot in his and pulled his leg away. Lucas lost balance due to her leaning back and fell with her to the ground. He did let go of her for a second, but only to put his arms protectively around her.

His arm around her waist and his hand on the back of her head held her close to his body and she fell on him. Lucas groaned a little in pain and in a fight she needed to get away from her opponent, that's what she should do since they were fighting, but she didn't want to.

"You're okay?" she asked worried and leaned up to look at him.
"I'm fine, love," he promised and lifted her on him properly by the waist. Then he wrapped both arms around her lower back while she supported herself on her lower arms to have a better view of him.

Luna was aware of his naked chest, felt it under her bare arms. Felt the tiny part of her chest that was exposed pressed against him. He lifted a hand to brush back a strand of her hair, exposing her red cheeks, and put it back where it was.
"Guess, that wasn't the best idea," she said to distract from the fact how close they were to each other.

"No, it was a pretty good idea and it would have worked. Too bad I am your opponent, I only think about protecting you." He gave her a charming, sweet smile, she couldn't resist. "I love you."

She kissed him. "I love you, too."
"Wanna go shower and then home?" he suggested and she agreed. They got up from the ground and grabbed their stuff to head to the showers. That was when Lucas' phone rang. "Go ahead. I'll see you when you're done," he told her, took the call, and kissed her head. She loved the little kisses.

She left without him and while walking to the showers, she saw Marcus in the ring with another man. They were fighting, so he shouldn't see her passing by.
At least, that was what she hoped. That was not what she got. Marcus saw her and immediately stopped the fight and got out of the ring.

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