Chapter 38

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Why did that woman call her Claire? No one called her Claire.
Barely anyone knew her middle name, so how did she know?
Did her parents tell her? Why should they? There was no reason to do it.

"You have a middle name?" Reyna asked surprised.
"You didn't know that?" Wyatt asked even more surprised.
"I do, but no one uses it. Not even I do," Luna explained. "How did she know?" She looked at Lucas for answers. He shook his head.

"I don't know." But he held something back. He held it back because he knew it would hurt her. Because he didn't want to hurt her right now. Because of all the things, she had not thought this could be it. Not knowing what to do, she hugged him.
"Just say it."

Lucas audibly breathed out and held her tight. "It could be, we don't know for sure, but it could be that she's your mother." She knew that. She knew that it was possible, but she didn't want to believe that. She didn't want to believe that her biological parents were bad people, too. The others understood.

"We'll find it out. If she belongs to them, it would make no sense, why her baby had been taken from her. It's gonna be okay," Lucas promised her. She nodded and pulled away.
"We should go," she decided. Luna would not deal with it now. She would do it later, but not know. It wasn't important right now. He placed a short kiss on her head and gave her away.

"I so hope there is another way out of this, 'cause I'm not going back through this door," Reyna said, trying to distract Luna.
"I agree with that. Behind that wall is war," Luna agreed. The boys chuckled.
"Let's hope for a different way out," Wyatt agreed, while Luna called her light out of the other room to her. Then, she pushed it forward, so that little lights lit up the way, looking a lot like glowworms.

"Go through the door at the end of the passage, you will know what's going on," Mrs. Carter said and disappeared shortly after. They followed and started walking.
"Lucas is right, it's gonna be fine," Reyna told her and gave her a side hug, which she returned.
"Thanks." Luna leaned her head on her shoulder.

"Who opened the door?" Emma asked a few minutes later.
"I did," Luna spoke up. They turned around to look at her with questions in their eyes. "It was blood. I crashed against the wall and my blood dropped onto it."
"Blood is life and if anyone is an angel then you," Wyatt concluded.

"Where did you get hurt?" Lucas asked caringly.
"It's nothing. It's just a small cut." She showed him the cut on her arm. It was bleeding a little, but it would stop soon.
"Emma, can you give me a cloth?" A cloth appeared in Lucas' hand, which he tied around the wound.

They reached enormous double doors a few minutes later.
"What do you think we have to do?" Natalie asked.
"I have no idea, but we're going to find out," Emma answered and pushed the door open.

It looked like a big ball room, but also not. It was illuminated by a blue light at the front. It seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember why. Below the light was a stone bed, a brown-haired boy lay on it. A wooden bowl to his feet and a knife next to it.

Luna died down her light and stepped closer to the stone bed with the others.
"Is that the child?" Emma asked, Lucas nodded as an answer.
"Do we just wake him up?" Wyatt asked.

"Give it a try, but you will spend a lifetime on it. He doesn't have a heartbeat. He's dead," Reyna informed them. Standing in front of him right now made her realize that it was similar to her vision of the other child. Six people of different kinds standing around a stone bed, on which a child lay.

"Fine. How do we do it?"
"The legend will tell you," Mrs. Carter said and appeared again. Her blue light brightened the room a little more. Considering that it felt like the darkness was eating them up, the light was welcomed. At the same time, it felt good to know that they almost made it. They were so close to solving the legend and finding a solution to this problem.

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