Chapter 10

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One and a half hours later they got into traffic, bad traffic.
They were basically standing on the same spot without moving an inch for minutes.
"Guess we gonna be a little late," he said and at that moment, his stomach growled, too.
"And hungry," she added.

"I had planned a break for lunch, but that's another half an hour away. And now it will take even longer," he informed her of his plan.
"We'll survive." She held out a cereal bar for him, which he took gratefully. It filled his stomach for now.

"Lucas?" she asked.
"Hmm." He took the last bite. Luna was done, as well.
"Do you know of any magical objects that can protect you?" He looked at her. This didn't sound like her curious questions, this sounded different. She was contemplating something.

"There are a few. Why?" He drove a few feet and stopped the car again.
"Something like a hairpin?" she asked without answering his question.
"No. Why are you asking?" Luna pulled out a golden hairpin with a little pink crystal out of her hair. He hadn't seen that on her ever before. No wonder, she wore it under her hair on the back of her head.

Showing it to him, she answered his question. "When I talked to my parents about what happened at the London airport, they picked up that it scared me. They told me I will always be protected as long as I wear my hairpin. I have it since I'm a kid and they had wished for me to wear it all the time. I just do it for them, I don't believe it can protect me in any way other than stabbing someone in the eye with it. To be honest, I even tried not wearing it and nothing happened." He chuckled.

"Can I see it?" He held out his hand and she let it fall into it. The moment it touched his skin, it burned and Lucas let the pin fall between them hissing and shaking his hand in pain.

"Lucas!" she shrieked.
"It's okay." He took a look at his hand, a little burn was left behind.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know that could happen," Luna immediately apologized. At the same time, she damped a tissue and pressed it to his hand.

"I know. Don't worry about it. It's gonna be better in a few minutes," he told her and then leaned over to kiss her temple. He didn't think about it, just did it. 
Whereby, he had never been so close with anyone before. He was surprised by his actions and a look to Luna told him that she was surprised too. Her cheeks turned a little red and for a second she looked away.

"You sure?" She looked doubtful and took a look at the burn. It wasn't bad at all.
"Fast healing. I'll survive," he reminded her. "That hairpin will protect you. I can't tell you how good, but I trust your parents on that. It's magical."

"Where would they get this?"
"Powerful witches or warlocks can create this. So, either your parents are powerful witches or they know someone who is." Luna took the hairpin and inspected it. Lucas eyed it, but he couldn't find anything unusual. It looked like a normal pin.

"Ms. Rose is half witch, half vampire. She might be able to tell you what exactly the pin can do," Lucas told her.
"I hope so. I'm starting to doubt a lot of things, including my own parents." Her voice sounded so soft, so hurt. He felt sorry for her. He saw that it affected her.

"What are you not doubting?"
"You," she answered without hesitation. It made his heart beat just a little faster.
"Then, hold on to that. I won't let you down." She smiled and put the pin in her bag.


They had arrived at the Jackson Academy about ten minutes ago and found Ms. Rose in her office. Ms. Rose was an overly happy, brunette woman, who couldn't be much older than them. 

That she was an optimistic person was something Luna found out in less than ten minutes.
"I will let you both talk and go work on our paper. You can find me in the library or call me when you're done," Lucas told Luna as they were done with introducing.

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