Chapter 25

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Thursday evening Lucas walked back into the headquarters of the ARIA and went straight to his office. He set the rose down on his table and fell into his chair while he turned his computer on.
After school, he had gone to the ARIA and then left to do some investigations.

He had been successful.
Through his interrogations, he had been able to collect information on Sam and Tresha. One of those confirmed that they were part of the Black Stitch. More important was that he had a new lead to find their current location and he had a few locations where the gang members were supposed to hang around.

He would check them out, or more likely have them checked out since the gang might recognize him if Sam and Tresha have told them about Luna and him.
Now, Lucas also knew the last place each of the six people had been seen and they had all been entering a car. One car was a black mustang and the other was a white range rover.

He had checked the places out and recognized the security cameras. He would get the tape and then check them until he got the license plate numbers and could let the cars be tracked. It might be a dead end but he could try.

He had already requested the tapes and started with them right away.
It took him about an hour until he had found both license plate numbers and gave them out to be tracked.

Just as he finished that, Jackson entered his office and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.
"Still nothing?" Lucas asked. Jackson shook his head.
"It's like they don't exist. They're not even going to work because they work from home. I swear it never had been this hard. Nicholas can't find the man and the child either. We're not getting anywhere."

"I have a new lead on Sam and Tresha and I might be able to find the missing people," Lucas told him. Lucas started looking up the places the gang members hung around and pushed a piece of paper towards Jackson. "I was able to find out that they hang around these places a lot."

"Maybe you find them there. I'm rather looking for a place the people can be looked in."
"Since when are you getting all the leads?" Jackson asked with a smirk while he inspected the papers.

"Ever since I asked Luna out. She's my lucky charm."
"The rose is for her?" Lucas nodded. "That girl's good for you. I never saw you this happy." Jackson looked up. "And so in love."

Lucas smiled. He knew he hadn't changed in terms of character or anything like that, he was just happier, felt more content and wanted.
For the first time since his mother took her life because of him, he felt like there was a reason he was born, he was alive.

For the first time, he felt a kind of love he had never felt before.
He felt worth of being in this world and he knew he would spend every second to be grateful for what he had found. Luna.

If someone had told him three months ago that one girl would change his world forever, he would've laughed and told them they were crazy. Now, it was exactly what had happened.

"As you said, she's good for me." Jackson smiled and got up.
"I will go check this out. I'll see you later," Jackson said.
"Wait. What did you want?"
"An escape from Charlie. I should've paired Nicholas up with him." Lucas laughed as Jackson left his office.

He took his phone and wrote Luna. It was getting late and he didn't know if she went to bed early. She was still affected by the injuries and got tired quickly.
Once he texted her, he went back to look through the places.


She had done it.
She had checked the news and it was horrible. Two skyscrapers had been destroyed. One had been put on fire and the other had collapsed. Hundred of people were injured or killed and the numbers were rising.

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