Chapter 3

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The same night Luna lay in her bed and scrolled through her Instagram.
She had found Lucas' profile easily and had followed him this afternoon. He had followed her back.

Now, she was having a look at his profile. There weren't many pictures, but on most of them was the same brown-haired boy. His name was Wyatt and she guessed that he was Lucas' best friend.

She liked the most recent upload. It was a video of Lucas and Wyatt in the car. The camera showed Lucas driving and then Wyatt and then the road ahead of them. Some music was playing and the caption said 'On our way to Dacrest, New York.'
It's over a month old, so she assumed that the two moved over here.

She was still looking at the pictures when she got a text from an unknown number.
'Hey. How was your day? Lucas' She smiled, she wasn't sure if he would write.
'Great. Have met someone I wanted to meet.'  She hesitated for a second, but before she could decide otherwise, she pressed the send button.

Luna saved his number and waited for his reply, it came a few seconds later.
'Really? But he probably isn't as charming as me.' She chuckled as she read it.
'He is pretty charming. Maybe you know him, his name's Lucas Carter.' She got up to change into her pajamas while keeping her eyes on the phone.

'The name sounds familiar. What do you think about him?' She sat down in her desk chair in only her pajama shorts and a bra.
'Well, he's kind of charming and more or less nice. Also, he's mysterious.'  Luna pulled her top over her head and waited for his reply.

'More or less nice? And why mysterious?'
'I can't really tell yet whether he's good or not. And he's mysterious because the first time I met him he kind of got into a fight and never explained anything.' While she wrote her answer, she walked back to her bed and got under the blankets.

'I think he can be really nice if it's the right person.'
'You think I'm such a person?'
'I'm sure you're such a person.'  She smiled again, then she got another text from him. 'I have to confess I met someone I needed to meet, too.' 

'Really? Who?'
'A pretty brunette girl, who is in my business lecture. I think she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.'
'Now you're taking it far.'

'No. I'm just honest and I'm stating the facts.'  Her cheeks burnt and she was so glad he couldn't see it. 'You're beautiful, did no one ever tell you that?'
'Thank you.' She wanted to keep the conversation going, but she didn't know what to talk about. Seems like Lucas didn't want to stop texting either.

'Was I disturbing you?' he then asked.
'No, I was just laying in bed. What are you doing?'
'Having Dinner.'
'At ten p.m.? Isn't that late?' she wondered.
'I was at work and just came back. Wanted to write you before you fall asleep. You're tired?'

'Okay. Did you cook? I'm not tired yet.' 
'No, Wyatt, my best friend, cooked. It's not that good. I'm better.' She sent him a laughing emoji and just like that they went on to talk for another hour before she went to bed and fell asleep.


Thursday noon Lucas just left his criminology lecture and was on his way to meet with Luna when he saw Reyna walking a little ahead of him and talking to a few girls.
It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her about Luna's supernatural being, he couldn't miss it.

Catching up to her, he greeted her. Reyna greeted back and sensing he wanted to talk about something important, she told her friends to go ahead.
"Everything okay? Something happened to Luna?" she asked slightly worried.

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