Chapter 19

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She was sitting at the dining table eating cake as dinner. She had taken over a shift and only returned home about half an hour ago since her colleague had to suddenly leave for a family emmergency. 

Then, her parents had called, and they had been facetiming ever since, talking about how work and school was going. How they were doing and that they missed each other. They also asked about Lucas, but Luna had told them he was just a friend and they had been working on a project.

Back then she would've told them that she liked Lucas a lot and that he was a great guy, but it wasn't like back then. Back then she believed her parents were wonderful people who couldn't hurt a soul and didn't hold any secrets from her.

"Luna, we have to tell you something," her father spoke up and caught her attention again.
"We have to go on another business trip next week." Was it really a business trip or were they doing something else? Something that might involve people getting hurt?

"Why? You only came back from a trip last week and you've been on one a few days before that. You guys wouldn't go on so many trips before," Luna said, hoping they would give away something.

"Before we were still living together and we couldn't stand to leave you at home alone for so long and leave shortly, but now you're living on your own," her mother said and softly smiled. Something she always did with Luna, something that was so gentle she could never be mad at them.

"Still, it's weird."
"It's because we're taking on more work now and our company is working on a big project," her father explained. Was it the company or was it the gang?
"Okay. When are you leaving?" Luna decided to give in. She took another bite of her cake, pretending she didn't know anything. It was hard.

"We'll be leaving on Friday, but we won't go too far this time. We need to go to Texas." Her father leaned a little forward and pushed his laptop back so she could still see them.
"Texas is big," she remarked. Her parents chuckled.
"We'll be in Houston," her mother clarified, not knowing that Luna would give this information to the ARIA.

It was the right thing to do. She had to stop them and while she hoped her parents weren't bad people, it got harder to believe it.

"I don't care where you are as long as you're safe," Luna told them. It was the typical answer she would've given back then.

"You don't have to worry about us. As long as our little girl is happy, we are." Her father's smile was so bright and she wished to know if it was real. If he had thought of her any different because she was not their real child. How would've it been if her parents had a biological child and she was there too? Would they have treated her differently? Did she want to find out?

Probably not, but there was something she screamed to know. And she couldn't wait anymore.
"Am I adopted?" it slipped out of her. Her parent's eyes widened and so did hers.
"Why would you think that?" Her mother frowned.

"It's just that I don't look anything like you and I had several people point that out to me. Also, I had never seen any pregnancy photos, and I... I don't know." Luna lowered her hand with the fork. Her parents stayed quiet. "You know, it's okay if I am. I know you love me." The look on her parents' faces told her they would talk. That they were sorry.

"You are adopted, but we love you like you would be our own child," her father confessed.
"Why did my real parents give me up for adoption?" she asked. It was the question she wanted to know the most. What was wrong with her that her real parents didn't want her?

"We don't know. It was a closed adoption. We got you shortly after your birth."
Luna folded her hands and bit her lip. "Is there really nothing of them?"
"You want to meet them," her mother realized. Luna nodded as an answer.

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