Chapter 6

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Talking to Lucas had helped form a picture of this new world.
It was new, it was scary, but she would grow used to it.
The human world wasn't any better. She might have grown up as a protected and happy child, but she knew what happened around her and that not everything was nice.

However, there was something she didn't like to think about.
Not that she didn't do it, she did. And it felt like a sin to do it, but when people point it out, it's hard to ignore it.

They were right, but just because she didn't look like her parents, it didn't mean they wouldn't be her parents. Wouldn't she remember if she was adopted?

But Lucas was right and she had questioned it last night.
You couldn't be just supernatural out of nothing, it had to be genetic and that meant her parents were supernatural, as well.
Why didn't they tell her? What reason could there be that they hid her true self? That they kept her from the world she belonged in?

She had put that thought away for years now, but she questioned it again.
Were her parents really her parents? Or was she adopted and they didn't tell her?
Did that mean they loved her less? That she didn't mean something to them?

The only plausible answer to why her parents didn't tell her that she was supernatural was that they didn't know about it either. They were humans and that meant they weren't her real parents. That couldn't be.

"You think they lied to me?" Luna glanced up at Lucas. She was surprised that he suggested it.
Yes, she had thought about it all, last night, but she couldn't believe it.
Her parents would never lie to her. They loved her and they had shown that.

"I think a lot, Luna, and I think you don't wanna hear that." He gave her an apologetic look. He was right. She didn't want to hear it, but she had to. She couldn't run away from it.
This was about her, about her future. She had to listen.

"What do you think?" she asked, starring ahead of her. There was a little child playing with his parents. They chased and fooled around, laughed. It reminded her of her own childhood.
She had always been happy.

"You sure you wanna hear it?"
"Yes. I need to." He nodded understanding and then he did something she didn't expect him to. 
Lucas leaned towards her and kissed her temple.

"There can be different reasons why you don't know. Your parents could be supernatural and decided for some cause not to tell you about your powers. They might have wanted to protect you from something, I don't know."

"Still, this is nothing they should hide from me," she voiced. It wasn't right. It wasn't their decision to make and she wasn't a kid anymore. She was twenty-one years old and could make her own decisions. Always had.

"You're right. Only they can tell you their reasons and then it's on you to decide if you can understand it or not." She nodded, she would need to talk to her parents, but could she do that? She never had the courage to ask if she was adopted, could she ask something like this?

"However, there are many other possibilities. It could be that..."
"I'm adopted. You think that too?" she went on when he let his sentence open.
"I don't know you that good or did I ever see your parents to be suggesting that. I think it's a possibility because they never told you you're supernatural."

There came the talk. The talk she threatened most but had to get through. If she wanted answers, she had to consider anything and everything. This was it.
"Okay. Hit me with it. I listen." She saw that he felt for her.

"If you are adopted, you must have been adopted really young. Since you're supernatural, your parents are, too. It means you would've gotten into the system as a supernatural and you could only have been given to a supernatural family." He paused for a second and checked if she followed him. She nodded to show him she did.

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