Chapter 21

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"I swear I'm freaking out. If we don't get anything, I'm going to throw a tantrum," Lucas heard Charlie declare before he turned around the corner. There he met Charlie, Jackson, and Nicholas sitting together over their computers.

They still had no lead on the four men and couldn't find them anywhere. You would think, things get easier once you know who you're looking for.
Nicholas was frustrated too. He was still looking for their prime suspect, but couldn't find the gang leader nor the child.

At first, they had believed that the child was an actual child that might have gone missing, but at this point, they weren't sure about that either. Maybe that child was made, maybe even a robot. Luna had laughed at that suggestion. It sounded silly that it was a robot, but they had to think about everything.

"Then why don't you use your freaking ass to work a little harder instead of complaining?" Jackson fired back and didn't even look up from his computer.
However, they all three did when Lucas stood next to them.

"How did your date go?" Jackson asked.
"Amazing," Lucas simply answered.
"Did you kiss her?" Nicholas asked. Charlie and Nicholas knew him almost as good as Jackson and they knew of his past, knew he put everything else before himself. That's why they hoped for Lucas to get a girlfriend.

"On the forehead." He had brought her home and kissed her goodnight at the doorstep.
"That's not the kiss you should've given her," Nicholas replied, Lucas only rolled his eyes.
"It was the first date. I'm not risking anything." Now, it was on Jackson and Nicholas to roll their eyes. He didn't care, he would not play with his chance. Therefore, she meant too much to him.

"You're already going back to her? You just saw her last night." Charlie smirked at him amused.
"Actually, I'm driving to Keene because I got a lead on Sam and Tresha. I'm going to ask a few people and keep an eye on a place. It'll be late, so I'm driving straight home," he informed them.

"I'll come with you," Jackson declared.
"I can handle it on my own. I'm sure Charlie needs your help more than I do," Lucas said knowing exactly that Jackson wanted to flee from Charlie.
Jackson knew he was right and sighed. "Take Nicholas with you."

"Forgot I'm looking for the main character?"
"Still nothing knew?" They turned to the new lighter voice and saw Luna walking up to them. A little box in her hands.

"Unfortunately not," Nicholas answered as she stood next to Lucas.
"My parents checked in this morning. The hotel's name is Courtyard Houston By The Galleria," she told them. Lucas put a hand on her shoulder.

"We already informed the local securities. They will watch out for them and prevent another attack," Jackson told her. She nodded.
"What's in the box?" Nicholas asked to change the topic. They all knew it was not easy on her.
"That's for you." She held out the box to Lucas.

He took it and found a chocolate cupcake inside it. Instantly, a smile formed on his lips.
"You remembered my favorite."
"Yeah. I'm coming from work and thought I bring you something," she explained.
"Thanks." He kissed her temple.

The others had seen what was inside, too.
"What about us?" Nicholas joked. Luna grabbed her backpack and took out a bigger metal box.
"Will donuts do it?" She asked with a shy smile and held out the box.

Jackson took it and they found about eight donuts in it.
"You need to keep her," Jackson said with a serious expression.
"You're the best addition to the team," Nicholas declared grinning. Lucas put his arm around her and hugged her to his side.

"You're doing more than Charlie," Lucas laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Lucas is right," Jackson and Nicholas agreed. Luna chuckled.
"Anyways, I can handle it. It's just interrogations," Lucas repeated himself, bringing back the actual topic.

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