Chapter 13

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"Some vampires do drink from humans, though it's highly forbidden. Those are basically the criminal ones or the ones who don't agree with the vampire council's rules." Reyna told her and pushed the last tray into the oven.

They closed it and leaned against the wall. "I can fly, I use a lot of sunscreen, I do not sleep in a casket, I have normal sleeping patterns, but I can go good without sleep for a while, and I am one of the few vampires that have other abilities. Telepathy to be exact, but I don't use it much," Reyna finished.

"Wow." They started laughing without a reason. It felt good to know that with all the changes that happened some things would always stay the same.
"Yeah. Oh and you won't scare me off with garlic, but a cross over a home keeps me out. Sorry, not really a religious person here."

"Neither am I," Luna replied. "This is a lot of information."
"I'll give you a lot more, but before that tell me why you didn't ask Lucas about this before."
"Didn't feel right to ask him when my best friend is a vampire herself," she answered directly.
"You're so cute." They chuckled.

The rest of the night, they spent talking, baking, and serving.
It was a lot of fun and Luna got to know a lot of things. She even tried out to feel other people's emotions, it didn't work, but there was still hope.
And she might get some answers this weekend.


Luna got into bed around half past midnight that night.
As she lay in her bed, she texted back Lucas. He had written her around ten p.m., and she had been unable to text him since her hands were busy baking and serving customers.
She had told him she would text him when she got home.

'Hey. I'm finally back home.'
'Hey. Sounds like a rough night. Are you tired?' he wrote her back just a few minutes later.
'More like exhausted, but I'm up to writing if you are? How are you?' She turned on her stomach and grabbed her notes from her nightstand.

'Always. I'm good but had a boring day. Had to work after school, and now I'm trying to get some studies into my head.'
'Wow, sounds like a tough day. You shouldn't stay up too late,' she wrote back and started to read over her study notes.

'I will. What did you do today?'
'Same. School and then work.'
'And Reyna gave me vampire class. I learned a lot and we think that I might have the ability to feel other people's emotions,' she then added.

'That's amazing. I guess I should start on those fairy classes. How about this weekend? Are you free and up to endure me?' She laughed.
'I would love to, but I'm actually planning to go to my parents' place and see if I can find anything that tells me if I'm adopted or anything about my kind.' Or anything at all.

To be honest, Luna had no idea what she hoped to find out. It's not like there would be a letter pinned to the fridge.

'That's too dangerous. You can't just go there. What if they find you snooping?', he wrote back.
'My parents aren't there. They're still on their business trip in Wales and only come back on Sunday next week.'

His reply took him a while and it told her that he debated on letting her go or making her stay.
Not that he could, she would go no matter what. She needed to go and she could take care of herself. There was nothing that could go wrong.

'Okay, but let me come with you?'
She thought it was sweet how concerned he was about her, but she really wanted to be alone.
'Actually,...' she didn't like to tell him off and she really hoped that he got the message.

Lucas didn't text back for a few minutes.
Seems like he didn't get it.
Luna almost believed he wouldn't text anymore, when he called.
She answered the phone, put him on speaker, and turned on her back.

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