Chapter 37

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Trusting his eyes right now, felt wrong.
His mother was directly in front of him. It was her, he knew that.
He had looked at her pictures so often, had looked for the details that told him whether he looked more like her or his father.

He looked more like her.
He had her green eyes and that same birthmark between his thumb and point finger.
He was totally convinced that his black hair was rather similar to his mother's black hair than his father's.

It was funny that he stood in front of his dead mother right now and talked to her as if she never died. As if he hadn't spent all his life wondering why she hated him. Why she had killed herself because of him.

As a child, his biggest wish was to meet her, to ask his mother why she had done that. Why she hated him. What was wrong with him that she didn't want him.
That wish had lessened as he grew up as he cared less. Repressed the feeling of being unwanted until he focused on everything else, but that.

It had been so much easier since he had met Luna. She had made things so much more easy, had made him feel all the things he missed out on. She gave that double to him.
And she had given him more. Luna had given him hope and he had wanted to find out what had happened to his mother, who murdered her, but he never thought he could talk to her.

Lucas couldn't stop staring at her, couldn't react to anything. He realized she was talking, but he couldn't make out her words, he felt Luna hug him, but he couldn't really feel that. He couldn't react, so his arms just hung next to his body.

He felt overwhelmed. Forgot why they were here.
Lucas got scared as he thought about the answers he wanted. Wondered if they would hurt or not. They would hurt, but in which kind?
In that case, did he even want answers? Couldn't he just walk away from this and never look back. Did he have to solve his mother's case?

"Lucas?" Luna's gentle voice got through to him. Her hand was on his cheek and she softly smiled at him. Lucas closed his eyes, reminded himself where he was and why. That was more important right now and he could deal with everything else later.

"I'm fine," he told her and responded her hug.
"You don't have to be," she whispered. That's another thing he loved about her. She made sure that he knew his feelings were valid and it was okay to feel that way. He never got that, his father had taught him to suppress such feelings and play strong.

They pulled away and focused on his mother.
"You have to find the secret passage. I can't tell you where it is,  but once you found it, you can figure out everything else later. Be fast," she told them.

"Can you at least tell us if it's in this room?" Wyatt asked. He had stepped next to Lucas to show him his support. He was not alone, he had to remember that. He had found great friends.

"It is." She looked troubled, but why? What would happen if they weren't fast enough?

They spent about fifteen minutes searching, looking everywhere, pulling out every book on the shelves, looking for trap doors on the ground, and walking along the walls with their hands on them. They looked everywhere, but there was nothing, and it was frustrating, and it didn't help at all that his mother urged them to find it.

"It's not here!" Reyna declared and sighed.
"It is here. Think of a way to find it," his mother said. How could they do it? How could they find a secret passage they didn't see?
"Emma, is there any spell that could help us?" Natalie suggested. Hopefully, they looked at Emma, but she shook her head.

"I thought of it and already tried to find passages behind this room, but I couldn't find it. It's probably protected by a spell and I won't feel it until I'm there."
"What else can we do?" Wyatt threw into the room. Lucas tilted his head and closed his eyes. Welcoming the dark, he thought of a way.

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