Chapter 33

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Lucas had parked the car at the side and turned in his seat to look at her.
"Did I say something wrong?" he asked. She saw worry in his eyes, but it wasn't about her. It was about him. Luna looked away, out of the window she saw a park.

With her next heartbeat, she knew she had to tell him. She had wanted to tell him yesterday when she had woken up from the night terror.
It hadn't been a night terror, it had been a vision.
At first, Luna hadn't known who the woman in her dream was, but she had an idea.

When Lucas showed her the picture of his mother, she knew for sure and at that moment, she wanted to tell him. Tell him that his mother did not kill herself, but she couldn't bring the words out. Last night, she had been still under the shock of the vision and couldn't decide what to do.

Now, it felt like she did.
Now, she knew the answer to the question.
Now, she knew that he deserved to know that his mother loved him.

That she wanted to protect him and that she fought for him. He deserved to know that he was loved and that she never wanted to leave him.
Luna had to tell him. Above all, he deserved to know that he was not the cause of his mother's death.

Luna felt Lucas' hand on her cheek. His thumb brushed away a tear.
"Don't cry without telling me why. I'm sorry if I hurt you." She shook her head.
"Can we go to that park?" Lucas agreed and got out of the car. She followed him and they walked into the park hand in hand.

Luna went to the swings and sat down in one. Lucas took the other one and watched her.
Then, he grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.
She tried to smile at him, but she couldn't. She was going to break his heart.

"I need to tell you something."
"Are you going to break up with me?" he asked, she instantly shook her head. "In that case, I'll be able to take it. Just tell me, Luna."

"When I was at my parents' house and found the background check on you, I found something about your mother." She looked at him to find anything that told her how he could react. She couldn't find it, so she took a deep breath. "She didn't commit suicide. She was murdered."


He replayed that last sentence again and again in his head. She was murdered. She was murdered. She. Was. Murdered.

Lucas turned his gaze from Luna to ahead of him. He stared at the trees in front of him. Luna's words didn't want to sit in. It sounded...

What did it sound like? What was he supposed to feel? Should he be glad that she didn't commit suicide or should he hurt that she was murdered? Did he have to feel anything?
This was not fair. If she was murdered, why? Was she just as bad as his father? Did she deserve that or did she not?

Was this even true? His father had told him that she had committed suicide. Everyone had said she committed suicide. It had been confirmed by the council and the government.
Why would his father tell him she committed suicide because of him? Because she didn't want his son? It couldn't be true. There was too much speaking against it.

Lucas let go of Luna's hand and ran his fingers through his hair. He took a deep breath.
What if it was true? What if Luna was right and everyone else wrong?
What if his mother was killed?

"Lucas?" Luna asked carefully. He turned his head to her.
"Are you sure?" Luna didn't answer right away. "You don't even know if it's true or not?" his voice rose as he jumped of the swing and faced her in disbelief. Why would she tell him this? Why would she hurt him like that? Couldn't she just keep it to herself and let him live?

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