Chapter 17

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"Tell me you didn't see Sahra today. She looks so-"
"Shit, she looks hot in that outfit," Ryan interrupted Olivia, his expression went to a dirty one.
After class, Luna had met Reyna, who had been talking to the others. Since they were going in the same direction as them, they had decided to walk together.

"Are you kidding? It looks awful. Those colors are brighter than the sun and so not matching," Reyna disagreed. "Even Jeremy dressed better than that." Jeremy wasn't part of their clique. One would say, he was the stereotypical nerd from movies and far from being part of their group.

Luna didn't feel like she belonged in this group either. The only reason she hung out with them was because of Reyna. They were her friends and Reyna fit into it while Luna wasn't the perfect match, but they liked her and some of them were okay.

"True, but it's fine enough to take her to the library and fuck her senseless. I swear it's worth it to see that ass in that skirt," Ryan defended himself. His friend Austin put his arm around him and nodded with a bright smirk.
"TMI. No one asked," Zoe complained and grimaced, the guys started laughing.

"Whatever. I'm throwing a party Saturday night, you guys will all come, right?" Jayson spoke. Unfortunately, he was with them and he had tried to talk to Luna the moment he had seen her, even wanted to give her flowers that she passed on to Olivia. She had shortly answered his question and blocked every other conversation he could've made.

They all agreed and started discussing when the party would start and what they need to get and all. Reyna kept herself out of the discussion, she hadn't said she would come and neither had Luna.

"Reyna, you're coming too?" Brandon asked as the discussion finished.
"No. I'm meeting up with Natalie to hang out."
"Who's that?" Brandon asked frowning.
"It's that boring art girl. Believe me, she's not your type," Sophie answered for her and they started laughing.

"Why do you hang out with her? She's so bland and weird. As if you would rather spend time with her than to party with us," Ryan said.
"She's neither boring nor weird. Natalie's cool and yes, I prefer that," Reyna fired back, not caring what they thought about her. That's what Luna liked so much about Reyna, she always said what she believed.

She just wished Reyna would do it for everything.
"Okay. Don't have to be aggressive." Ryan held up his hands to show he wouldn't make a scene. Luna wondered if he was supernatural, too. It kind of sucked knowing she could tell, but actually not being able to do it.

"Lun? You're coming, right?" Jayson asked hopefully. He had still not given up on her, but she knew he just tried to get in her pants. She would not let that happen and she had no interest in him anymore. There was someone else she liked a lot.

"Don't call me that, I don't like that," she told him. "And I'm not coming." Her tone was bored, he wouldn't get anything else from her.
"Please. I know I made a mistake, but I still love you and you're mine." Now, she didn't like the way he looked at her, as if she was his prey, and all she saw in his eyes was lust.

"I'm not yours, never will be again," she snapped. "I don't love you anymore."
Jayson sighed. "Give me a chance. Let me show you why you did." She shook her head.
"Why don't you just come and have fun with us?" Brandon tried to help his friend. They wouldn't give up until she agreed, so she would better come up with a good reason why she couldn't.

"I already have plans."
"What plans?" Jayson questioned. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. He knew she had no plans, he knew she was the kind of girl that loved a good book over a party. They all knew that. She had to think fast and in the rush, she said the first, best thing she could come up with.

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