Chapter 28

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"I'm ready. We can go," Wyatt called and walked into the living room.
"Asher wants to come," Lucas told him absently. He sat ready to go on the sofa and checked out Instagram. Wyatt came over and sat down next to him.

"We're going to be late," Wyatt remarked, Lucas nodded. At the same time, he got a new message from Jackson. He could only hope that he didn't call him in right now. He had promised Luna to come.

"I know. I already wrote Luna that we're going to be late." Lucas opened the message and saw the photo. He was surprised, but then his expression softened and he smiled. Jackson had taken a photo of Luna and him when they had slept on the sofa in his office this morning.

The blanket had slipped down to her waist. His arms laid tightly around her, her head buried in his chest, and her lips slightly parted. She looked so innocent, she was, and she looked calm, in peace. That's what he wanted her to be tonight. To forget everything that was going on and just be a normal student.

"Are they already there?" Wyatt asked.
"They're about to leave." Lucas put his phone away and gave Wyatt his full attention.
"So? Wanna tell me why you're so happy?" Lucas asked as Wyatt didn't say anything.
"That obvious?" He nodded as an answer. "I told Emma."

Lucas waited for him to go on, but Wyatt remained quiet. "I don't know how girls do it, but I can't do it. So, you have to get specific. Did you tell her you love her or that you snore?"
"I don't snore," Wyatt disagreed.
"You snore," Lucas assured with a serious face. It wasn't any loud, but his supernatural hearing could pick it up.

"I didn't tell her I love her. I'm not sure about that yet."
"Then what did you tell her?" Lucas supported his arm on the backrest of the sofa and leaned his head into his hand.

"I told her that I'm half black" His arm slipped down and Lucas stared at his best friend with wide eyes. Wyatt never told anyone that. Even Lucas only knew because he grew up with Wyatt and because he was his best friend, but even so, he sometimes believed Wyatt would've never told him if he hadn't already known.

He had always hidden it. It wasn't too hard to do so. His grandmother was black, his grandfather was white. Therewith, his father was half black and his mother was white. Wyatt's skin color was a light senna and it didn't give it away that he could be black. No one ever asked, Wyatt never told anyone. So, it was a big surprise that he told Emma.

"You told her?" Lucas asked shooked, not because it was bad, but because he had never expected his friend to do so. Even if Lucas had encouraged him to.
"I did. And she didn't treat me any different. She understood me," Wyatt told him, the shook went and Lucas grinned.

"I told you so," Lucas replied. "And the others won't react any different. They will still be your friends if you tell them."
"We will see. Emma is different from the others. She understands what I'm going through because she feels the same way. She's not black, but she feels like playing a role. Giving everyone a version of her she is not, but they want. Do you know what I mean?"

Lucas nodded. "Of course, I know. I grew up seeing you do the exact same thing. You're only yourself around me."
"Exactly. Because I know you accept me like I am. Remember what happened when we were kids?" Lucas nodded again. Of course, he remembered. How could he not, but they weren't kids anymore.

"I accept you and so will the others," Lucas argued. He had to make Wyatt understand he could be himself, that he had to get over it and see that not everyone he meet will think the same way about him.

Wyatt needed to understand that there will always be people who won't like him and that it doesn't necessarily have to do with him being part black.
More than that, he had to understand that he didn't have to be different to be liked.

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