Chapter 14

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Luna stared at the door that just appeared out of nowhere. It went all the way from the bottom to the top of the wall. On the right was a codelock. Stepping closer, she thought about what the passcode could be. Well, the best thing she got was her birthday. Typing in number by number, she was anxious whether it would open. She met disappointment.

She tried another code her parents took often, but it didn't work either.
She didn't try a third time, not wanting to find out what would happen if it was wrong again.
This was a dead end.

She let a few drops of the potion fall onto the wall to reverse the magic and hung the painting back up. Then she went on with her search.
Two more places were hidden with magic, one in the kitchen and one in their bathroom, but they didn't require a passcode. The stuff she found looked a lot like magical potions or plants for some spell.

When she was done with that, she wasn't any smarter.
Not wanting to lose hope, she gave it another shot and went to her parent's bedroom.
When she was younger, they kept everything important and everything that wasn't meant for her in their bedroom because it was private.

As she stood at the door to their bedroom and looked around the room, she couldn't find anything that looked odd. The room was clean, the bed made, everything in place.
Luna went to the night tables and looked in the drawers again.
There was nothing.

She looked under the bed, under the mattress, in the laundry hamper, in the drawers of the cupboard, and lastly in the wardrobe. There was nothing.
When she didn't find anything in the wardrobe drawers, she closed the bottom one with a little too much force, but that's when she heard it. The sound of something hitting metal.

Opening the drawer again, she put her arm through it and felt what was under it.
Cold metal touched her fingers. Luna grabbed it and got it out with a little effort. It was a thin, long metal box that once again required a passcode.
This time her birthday worked.

She opened the metal box and was met with papers.
Formalities. Some of them were the contract for the house and then there were their wedding papers. There were a few more papers she didn't understand. They looked like briefings.
The most important to her was that there were no adoption papers.
However, it gave her an idea.

After checking if there was something under the bottom drawer of their nightstands, Luna went to their office. She had needed the most time there because that was the place her parents stored a lot of work papers at, and she needed to look at them all to make sure they weren't adoption papers. She hadn't found anything like that.

This time she went straight to the table, opened the bottom drawer, and tried to find out what was below it. Luna found papers and a key.
She started with the papers. They weren't about formalities, but some of them seemed like finances. The others however just confused her.

There were many different names and places mentioned. Some looked like spells or legends.
Since she didn't get what it was about and it certainly wasn't her adoption papers, she put them back and went to look what the key was for.

In the office she couldn't find anything that required a key, so she left the office and went searching. It took forever and she didn't even find the lock to the key.
Now, she leaned against the wall next to the office and thought what else the key could be for.

It could be the key for the safe in the bank or her parents stored it for someone else. Also, it could be the key for something at their work.
To be honest, she couldn't come up with anything else, because she tried everything that was in this house already.

Sighing, she threw her head back and stared at the ceiling as if she would find the answers there. Maybe she would.
Luna frowned as she saw the little hook attached to the ceiling.

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