Declaring His Love To The World

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It's been a week of torture but I got through it

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It's been a week of torture but I got through it. Zeus gave me the space I needed but seeing him every day made my heart beat faster. I wanted to kiss him when I saw a glimpse of him in the recording studio. I wanted him to make love to me when I laid in my empty bed. I was making myself miserable when I could just go up to him and hear him out but deep inside I had that lingering self-doubt if we are meant to be together.

He came back into my life unexpectedly but we can't catch a break. We were doing so well and the storm wiped out the strong bond we had. I want to believe we are meant to be together but my self-doubt keeps getting in the way. I've been keeping myself busy with learning how to manage a record label. It's not easy but my dad has been patient with me. He wants me to learn quickly so I could take over once he's gone. I told him he's not leaving me anytime soon. He just laughs and messes with my hair.

My dad gave me a file of a new blueprint. I studied the building and its fancy exterior, very modern and sleek, at the top it said Kaleidoscope Records. He wanted to expand Empire Records into another record label in Europe. He told me just to study the blueprint and give him my opinion. I didn't notice anything wrong at the moment but then my mind kept going back to Zeus. I need to talk to him but how?

There was a gentle knock on the door and Madeleine peeked her head inside. We haven't exactly talked ever since she started working for my dad but we've had small conversations in the copy machine office or the morning while preparing our coffee. It's just awkward to be face to face with that one person that broke my relationship with the person that meant the most to me. Did I hate Madeleine? No, she's a sweet person from what my dad tells me, it's starting a conversation, it doesn't roll off the tongue very easily.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah of course I'm just trying to figure out what my dad wants me to do with this blueprint but it looks fine to me," I stood up and walked to the glass window. It was a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in sight. I fixed my jacket and glanced at Madeleine.

I didn't get any malicious intent. She had a glow to her that radiate warmth and positivity. Her eyes sparkled with joy and her grin gave me some kind of hope in her. I gestured to the chair in front of my desk so she can sit down. "Thank you."

I sat back in my chair and stared blankly at the blueprint. "I miss him," those words shot a bullet through my heart. I held my tears because I'm doing this to myself. I know Zeus is trying so hard to stay away from me. I'm running away when I should be talking to the one person that has meant so much to me. He doesn't deserve my neglect towards him. He needs me just as much as I need him.

"Beau, I know you miss him. Your eyes tell me everything especially when Zeus is around. Zeus needs you more than ever," her words bathed me with warmth.

"Have you talked to him?"

"I don't need to talk to him to tell me how he feels. He's hurting just as much as you but he puts all his energy into his music. I know. I've been with him when he's touring," she winked at me as a small curve formed on her lips. "But yes he has talked to me. He loves you more than anything. It was all a misunderstanding but you have to hear him out."

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