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It's been two years and our life was still busy. The twins were standing on their own and were a nightmare but we loved them deeply. Romeo Storm and Eros Knight were our beautiful baby boys. Romeo was the talker and the most active. He had Zeus's gray eyes and caramel hair. He would stand on the couch and move his body. He always wanted to be the center of attention. We kind of knew who would take up the singing career because he would sing and talk to us.

Eros was our calm boy. He would sit and play with his toys, minding his own business. He had crystal blue eyes just like me and blonde hair. He likes to be alone most of the time but Romeo would always try to get him out of his comfort zone. Eros was a lot like me, shy, and kept to himself. Romeo would always protect his brother. They were inseparable just like me and Zeus.

Zeus took a break from music but is slowly going back to the studio. The boys were big and we had family members that didn't mind taking care of them. Delilah was part of their life. Our contract said she was only the surrogate but our boys needed a mother figure and she was the best. Eros and Romeo loved her and we couldn't take that love away from our boys.

My mother battled with breast cancer and we almost lost her but she was a fighter. She won her battle and is now recovering after two years of chemo. Brooklyn was always by her side even though he was busy at times. I would take over when he wasn't around. She enjoyed the company of her grandsons. She said Eros and Romeo helped her throughout her battle. They would give her sloppy kisses and hugged her while she laid in her bed.

Brooklyn held a strong persona but deep inside I knew he was battling his feelings from seeing mom with cancer. He tried to bury himself with work but I told him he needs to be their first mother. He broke it off with his modeling girlfriend. She understood and now Brooklyn is slowly going back to handling Kaleidoscope records in Europe.

Madeleine and Sebastian had a little girl named Adoria Kross. She was the prettiest one-year-old. She had Madeleine's blonde hair but Sebastian's blue eyes. She even did some modeling for baby pampers. Madeleine said that's all the modeling she was going to do. She married Sebastian a year after our wedding and then got pregnant. They are the cutest couple and I'm glad we still have a strong connection.

Johnny and Jaxon had a 4-year-old son, Maddox. He was well-mannered and a flirt with the girls. He started preschool and his teacher adored him. We would babysit when they wanted some alone time and Maddox would help us with Eros and Romeo. He was like their big brother. I'm glad we haven't lost touch.

My dad was enjoying his retirement. He was traveling the world and keeping an eye on me with Empire Records. I told him not to worry. I had help from many different people. He was dating a nice woman. She owned a cooking show so he takes her traveling with him whenever she can get away.

Zeus's parents are still together but they never remarried. It was nice to have Eloise and Felix in our lives. They spoiled Eros and Romeo where we didn't have to buy them clothes or toys. They were happy to take them when Zeus and I needed some alone time. Life was great and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Rhett just showed up but hasn't said anything to us. He grabbed Eros and sat in the lounge room. We finally remodeled my parent's house and everything was new. I left some furniture and photos of my parents, it brought warmth to the house. I'll never forget them. I wish they were here so they could see their grandbabies. I took Eros and Romeo to see them but they started crying. They can be dramatic at times.

I walked to the lounge room and saw Eros laughing. "You are so cute," Rhett gave him a bunch of kisses on his neck.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he moved with Murdock to New York. I haven't seen him for a couple of months. Rhett's music career boomed and was just as famous as Zeus. He glanced at me and I saw sadness in his eyes.

"Yeah, I've missed my little munchkins," he kissed Eros's cheeks but I knew he was lying. He video chats with them every other night. Something else was up.

"Liar, what's going on?" I sat next to him as he gently bounced Eros with his leg.

"I'm having problems with Murdock. We've been fighting so much that I can take it anymore. We were going to surprise you today but I left the hotel room. He's just so closed off with me. I thought we got past this but he's shut himself away for me," I could hear his voice choked.

Zeus walked in. "Romeo is sound asleep," he stood by the entrance of the lounge room then the doorbell chimed. "I'll get it."

"I'm sorry, maybe you guys need some space. It helps sometimes," I know it wasn't the best advice but they've been through this so many times. Maybe some space can help.

"Look who's here, Eros," Zeus came in as Murdock walked behind him. Eros started to jump and laugh.

"Where is one of my favorite twins," he came over and grabbed Eros from Rhett. I saw they both had sadness in their eyes.

"I was wondering if we can take the twins to Santa Monica Pier," Murdock said.

"I just put Romeo down for a nap," Zeus doesn't like when they don't take naps. They are cranking if they don't. But then I heard Romeo cry. "Never mind I think he smelled you guys." Zeus disappeared to the boy's room.

"That's fine with me. Zeus is more protective with the boys," he was, anything from a cough to making sure they are bathed. He is a super dad. I can't compete even if I wanted to.

"Can we talk?" Murdock grabbed Rhett's hand. I saw a slight curve on Rhett's lips.


"No fighting in front of the boys. I don't want them coming home crying," I warned them because the last time they took them they came home crying because they were fighting in the car. Zeus almost punched both of them.

Zeus came back with Romeo and he started to giggle when he saw both of them. "There goes the other cutie," Rhett grabbed Romeo and the baby bag Zeus had with him.

Zeus winked at me and I knew exactly what he wanted. Our sex life has halted since the boys came into our lives and it is very minimal when we have sex. It was quickies in the bathroom when we showered together, that was the most we can do.

"I'm warning you two. Last time I didn't punch you because Beau got in between but my boys come crying again. I'll punch you as soon as you walk in those doors," I couldn't help but laugh.

"We promise, right Murdock," Rhett glared at Murdock as Eros pulled his hair.

"Right, ouch!" We all laughed as they left.

Zeus pulled me by the waist and kissed my neck. "How long can we have sex for? I'm thinking we can go three times today."

I began to unbutton his shirt and kiss his neck. "We can go as many times as you can. I've been wanting you so badly," he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He squeezed my ass as I bit his bottom lip.

"I love you, Captain. Every day my love grows more for you."

"I love you, Lightning God. Now take me to the clouds."

He took me into our bedroom. He closed the door and we made love until we couldn't anymore. Our love grows stronger every day. The future is still clear with no storms ahead but little did we know that twins would have a storm of their own.


A/N: And that completes the story of Beau and Zeus. I left it open to maybe a story about the twins. Who knows. But until then I have another idea for a book. Follow me on Instagram where I give teasers of new books in the works: ariesawrites.

Thank you again and I'll be back soon.

Aries Angelo.

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