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Colby's POV

"Is she still pissed at you?" Sam asked as I hung up the phone after talking to Violet.

"Kinda. She sorta gave up on me letting her come, but she really tried to make me stay this morning." I explained as we walked through the airport.

"Is that why we almost missed our flight?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yup." I said as he chuckled.

"Well I'm kinda excited to go back." He admitted as we got to the rental car place. "Me too. Aren't you a little nervous though?" I asked as he shrugged.

"A little, but we've dealt with darker stuff since we've been here." He said as we got in line so we could get our rental car.

"Maybe, but nothing has ever hurt us the way this spirit hurt Violet." I said, feeling my chest clench at the memory.

"Yeah, that's true." Sam said then pursed his lips. "We'll be fine though. Sam and Colby vs. the world right?" I asked with a grin as I nudged him.

"More like the universe." He said as we walked up to the counter.

We spent the next couple minutes getting our rental car then packing it up so we could go to the asylum.

It was crazy that we were back after 5 years. So much as changed since the last time we were here. I was grateful for this city and for the asylum though since it was really the entire reason Violet and I were together.

We had to drive about an hour to get to the asylum from the airport so we grabbed some food then hit the road.

"I'm getting flashbacks." I said with a laugh as I started driving. "I can feel the ghost of Daisy's annoying ass talking our ears off." Sam said as I shook my head.

"More like talking my ear off, you got to talk to V." I said as he breathed a laugh. "Yeah, you're right." He said then popped a fry in his mouth.

When we got to the asylum I could feel a chill run down my spine. "This place is creepier than I remember." I mumbled as I parked the car, looking up at the old building.

It was a huge old brick building that had pointed roofs, making it almost look like a castle. It was creepy by itself, but it looked even creepier against the grey hue of the sky.

"It doesn't help that it's cloudy as shit." Sam said as a man in a polo came out of the front door.

Sam and I got out of the car then made our way over to him. "Welcome back, boys." The man said as Sam shook his hand. "How are you doing, Steve?" Sam asked. "I'm good, I'm good." He said then shook my hand.

"Are you guys excited?" Steve asked as he led us towards the building. "Yeah, has it gotten any creepier?" Sam asked as Steve nodded. "When you guys left, it pissed something off...activity has been much more prominent." Steve aid as a chill ran down my spine.

"Well, I guess we're in for a good night then." Sam said with a grin. "Did you want me to give you another tour or do you think you've got it?" Steve asked as Sam looked at me. "Nah, I think we've got it." I said as Steve nodded.

"Alright, here are the keys. Have fun!" He said then handed Sam the keys. "Thanks, dude." Sam said then turned to me.

"Are you ready, man?" I asked as Sam nodded. "Ready." He said then put the bag of equipment down.

"Do you think we should just walk around first or should we just start with the investigation?" I asked as Sam pulled out the camera. "Well I definitely think we should start with an intro." He said as I chuckled.

"Shit, you're right." I said with a laugh then helped him set up the camera. Once it was set up we set it on the desk that used to be the front desk, then got situated.

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