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"I'm here, bitches!" Ki said as she waddled into the house. "Hey, thanks for doing this for us." Colby said as I changed Nova's diaper.

"I'm not doing this for you guys, I want to hang out with the twins." She said then picked Luna up and snuggled her.

Today Colby and I were leaving for our trip to go ghost hunting with Sam and Kat.

I was actually really excited to go which was something I haven't felt in a really long time.

"Yeah, I don't blame you." I said then squeezed Nova's cheeks. "Are you sure you're ready to get back into ghost hunting? You could stay here with me." Ki said as I shook my head.

"I'm ready. I just wish my wonderful husband would tell me where the fuck we are going." I said and looked over at Colby.

"If I told you then you could research it and we don't want you to research it." Colby said then picked our bags up. "I'm gonna put these in the car." He said as I nodded.

"So I pumped a bunch of bottles, they're in the freezer for you to unthaw. You can also give them mashed potatoes or apple sauce or any smooth solid food." I said with a sigh.

"Uhhh they're still obsessed with the blankets that Colby's mom got them so if they're being little assholes just give those to them and they'll calm down." I said then bounced Nova on my hip.

"Little assholes get blankets, got it." Ki said as Colby walked back into the house. "Ready, V?" He asked as I sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said then looked at Nova.

"Okay, sugar plum. Mommy and daddy are going on a little adventure so auntie Ki is going to watch you." I said as she looked at me.

"You're gonna have so much fun but when I get back I'm gonna snuggle you for forever." I said as she giggled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you." I whispered then handed her off to Colby.

"Come here, Luna bug." I said then grabbed Luna from Ki. "Be good for auntie Ki, okay?" I asked and hugged her.

"I'm gonna miss my little snuggle bug." I whispered as she cooed and snuggled into me.

"We'll be back in a couple days. They won't even know we left." Colby said as I breathed a laugh. "I think you underestimate how clingy these girls are." I said with a laugh as Luna reached for him.

"Yeah, we do have some clingy girls." He said then hugged them both. "They get it from you, clingy." Ki said and nudged Colby's shoulder.

"I am not clingy." He said as she chuckled. "Violet! Oh Violet! Where are you my Violet!" Ki teased  dramatically. "Stop it." I said with a laugh. "We gotta go, huh?" I asked as Colby nodded.

"Yep. We have a long flight."  He said as I squinted at him. "How long?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Nope. Not happening." He said then kissed the girls on their heads. "Bye sweethearts." He said and hugged them, closing his eyes.

I watched as he held them closely. I loved how much he loved our girls and how great of a dad he was.

I would never get tired of watching him interact with them.

"Alright. Let's go." Colby said then handed the girls off to Ki. "Alright, kids. Have fun but be safe." Ki said and waved to us.

"You too. Be careful and call me if anything happens, okay?" I asked as she nodded.

"You got it." Ki said then bounced the girls on her hips. "Alright, bye!" Colby said then took my hand and led the way to the car.

"Are we picking up Sam and Kat?" I asked as we walked to the car. "No, we're just meeting them at the location." He said as I scrunched my brow.

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