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"Are you sure you have to go?" Colby's mom asked as we brought our bags into the foyer.

"I wish we could stay, mom. Sam and I have a lot of meetings to catch up on though." Colby said as he hugged his mother.

"I wish you guys would move out here, but I understand." She said and rubbed Colby's back gently.

"Maybe one day. I know we don't want to stay in LA forever." I said as I crouched down, making sure we had everything for the girls.

I was honestly really nervous about the flight back to LA. The one here was a nightmare so I was just hoping it would be better than that.

"Let me hug the twins just one more time." Colby's mom said then held her hands out so I could hand Luna off to her.

"They have to leave for the airport, Lesa." Colby's dad said with a laugh as I turned to Gage and Taylor.

"I just need another hug." Colby's mom retorted as I hugged Gage. "It was nice to see you." I said as he hugged me back.

"Take care of yourself little sis." He said as I smiled. "I will if you will. You guys have to keep me updated on wedding planning." I said then hugged Taylor.

"Trust me, I'm about to call you every week." Taylor said as I laughed. "I'll be waiting by my phone." I said then looked at Colby.

"Ready?" I asked as he nodded. "Yep." He said with a grin before turning to his mom.

"Okay, mom. It's time." He said as she frowned. "Promise you'll visit soon?" She asked and snuggled both girls. "We'll try but only if you visit us soon." I said as she handed Luna off to me.

"Deal." She said then handed Nova off to Colby. "We should go." Colby's dad said as he picked up our bags.

It was bittersweet that we were leaving so soon but we had a busy couple of days.

Colby's birthday was next week and Ki's baby shower was only a couple days after that.

I wanted to make a cake for her party and I of course had to plan an amazing day for Colby.

It sucked that it would be the second year in a row that we wouldn't be able to drink and party together but I didn't think he minded that much.

"Do you think you should feed them now so we don't make anyone mad on the plane?" Colby asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh...uh..no I can do it at the terminal, then they'll probably sleep the whole flight." I explained as we strapped the twins into their carseats. "That's a good idea." He said with a grin.

"I'm a genius." I said then winked at him. "Get in the car, dork." He said as I giggled and got in the back seat.

The drive to the airport was peaceful since the girls were so tuckered out from their visit with everyone. When we got to the terminal Colby's dad said goodbye to the girls then said goodbye to us.

"Take care of yourselves. It was great to see you." He said with a smile as he hugged us. "It was great to see you. Thank you for letting us invade your home." I said causing him to laugh.

"You kids are always welcome." He said then reached for his door.

"Text me when you land." Colby's dad said as Colby set up the stroller. "Will do." I said then turned and strapped the girls in.

Once they were situated we grabbed our bags and made our way into the building.

We got through security with no issues then went to our terminal. "Babe...." I said quietly as we sat down. "What's up?" He asked as I pursed my lips. "The baby wants a snack." I said as he chuckled.

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