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Colby's POV

"Seeing Violet like that is really hard." Sam said as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's honestly killing me how heartbroken she is." I said and went over to the cupboard where we had cans of soup.

"Are you doing okay other than that? I'm worried about you." Sam said as I sighed. "This is really hard and it's really unlike anything else we've had to deal with." I said quietly then grabbed a can of tomato soup.

"It's okay to break down about it." Sam said as I nodded. "Yeah, I have a couple times. I just wanna be strong for Violet. She's lost so many people in her life and I'm just worried she's going to crack." I said then started heating up the soup.

"She's been through a lot of loss, but she's always made it through. We just have to be there for her whenever she needs." Sam said as I nodded.

"Thanks for being here, man. I really appreciate you." I said then grabbed a loaf of bread so I could make Violet a grilled cheese.

"Of course, man. You're my best friend. I'm going to be here for you no matter what." He said then clapped his hand on my back.

"Kat is asking where I am though." Sam said as I started making the grilled cheese.

"Violet doesn't want anyone to know but I feel like having more people around will help her." I said with a sigh.

"I can tell her to come over but I don't want to upset Violet." Sam said as I nodded. "Just tell her to come over but we won't tell her exactly what's going on." I explained then finished making the sandwich and soup.

"You got it." He said then grabbed his phone. I played up the food then made my way towards the stairs.

"When did you put the girls down?" I asked as we walked up the stairs. "About an hour ago." Sam said as I nodded.

"Great, thanks." I said then went into the bedroom. When I walked into the room I saw that Violet wasn't in bed anymore.

"V?" I asked and looked around the room. "Violet?!" I called out and put the food on the nightstand. "Where did she go?" Sam asked as I shook my head.

"No idea...Violet?" I asked and walked towards the bathroom. I felt my heart drop when I realized she wasn't here.

"Oh god.." I mumbled then pulled my phone out. "Please answer..." I begged and brought my phone to my ear after dialing Violet's number.

It rang for a couple seconds before I realized her phone was still here. "Fuck." I hissed then looked at Sam.

"I have to go find her." I said and looked up at Sam. "Okay, I'll stay here in case she comes back." He said as I nodded.

I jogged down the stairs and out the door. I thanked God that her car was still here because that meant she wasn't driving anywhere.

"Violet?!" I called out and started walking down the road. "Violet, are you out here?" I asked then jogged down the road.

"Come on, V." I mumbled and looked around. I only had to look for a couple minutes before I saw Violet sitting on the side of the road with her hood over her head.

She had her face in her hands and her shoulders were bobbing up and down, showing me she was crying.

I jogged over to her and sat next to her then wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. "Shhh...I'm here baby." I said as she held her hand up.

"I hurt my hand." She sobbed out as I scrunched my brow. "How?" I asked and took it front her so I could look at it.

"I...I.." Violet sobbed out as she hyperventilated. "Shhh...calm down. It's okay," I whispered and tightened my grip on her.

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