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"Alright. We have diapers, onesies, clothes for Ki and Shawn, diapers for Ki, ice packs, pickles, Doritos, bottles, nipple cream, pads, a heating pad, Tylenol and pedialyte. Are we missing anything?" I asked as Colby pushed our cart down the aisle we were walking down.

"Uhhh...condoms. I feel like they'll need condoms." Colby said as I laughed.

"No, dork. You know more than anyone that they can't have sex for a long ass time." I said then looked through the baby stuff.

"They need a carseat. It's going to be a nightmare getting back to LA." I said with a sigh.

"We can fly home with them and help, although I don't know if that will make it better or worse since the twins aren't the best at flying yet." Colby said as I nodded.

"Yeah, I can't believe there's gonna be three babies around." I said and grabbed the best carseat. 

"I think it's gonna be cool. Nova and Luna are best friends but they need another friend." Colby said and grabbed a couple of baby blankets.

"Are you shopping for Ki's baby or Nova and Luna?" I asked as he grabbed a couple toys. "That is confidential." He said as I chuckled.

"Whatever. We need to go before she gives birth without us." I said then checked the cart one more time to make sure we had everything.

"Alright, let's go." Colby said then made his way to the registers. When we got there we checked out then made our way to the car.

"I hope to god they gave her the drugs by now." Colby said as we loaded the car.  "Yeah, I know she's looking forward to them." I said then closed the trunk.

"Start the car, I'll bring the cart back." I said then took the cart and started walking to the cart storage.

By the time I got the cart put away Colby was pulling the car up next to me. When I got in I let out  a yawn.

"Did you take your Tylenol yet?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "No, I'm gonna need it though." I said and turned to grab the bag it was in.

I took the pill and drank my pedialyte which was making my hangover feel a little bit better.

I could feel the nerves bubbling up though the closer we got to the hospital.

I was obviously very excited to meet Ki and Shawn's baby but the fact that something could go wrong was sitting in my mind.

I often times forgot about how scary my birth experience was because having the girls was the best thing to happen to me.

How they came into the world though was painful and terrifying. I didn't want Ki to go through that.

When we got to the hospital I texted Shawn so he could give us the room number.

We then packed all of the stuff we just bought into a duffle bag and brought it with us.

We made our way up to Ki's room then opened the door. Ki was laying on the bed in a hospital gown with her face scrunched in pain.

"No drugs?" Colby asked as Ki's eyes flew open. She reached for her pillow and threw it towards Colby.

When she did this, Colby ducked out of the way causing the pillow to hit me in the face. "Oof-" I grunted and took a step back.

"Oops! Sorry, V! That was for your dumb ass husband." She said and let out a shaky breath.

"Yeah, I know." I said as Colby pursed his lips. "Sorry, babe." He said then kissed his hand and pressed it on my face.

"Alright, enough. Do you have any updates?" I asked and set bag on the chair and started unpacking it for them.

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