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I watched as Colby walked towards the back room. I sighed then kept my eyes down, like Colby told me to do.

I just had to get through the next hour or so. I was going to go back and then pay my own bail. Then I would get Colby out.

This nightmare would be over soon and this would just be memory for Colby and I to laugh at.

"Violet Brock." I heard an officer say, pulling me from my thoughts. I stood up then made my way  over to where he was standing.

"Come on." The officer said then opened the door. I followed him into the empty room.

"Alright, let's see." The officer said then looked down at the clipboard in his hand.

"You were put under arrest for breaking into a home in Los Angeles. That warrants a charge of $5,000 in bail." The officer said as I nodded.

"I'd like to pay my bail." I said as he shook his head, laughing. "That's not how this works, princess." He said as my blood ran cold.

"What do you mean?" I asked as he laughed. "Bail charges over $3,000 can't be paid by the felon." He said as I shook my head.

The whole plan had just been changed and I really didn't know how to handle that.

"Don't worry, princess. When we're done you get a phone call. Mommy and daddy will bail you out." He said as my blood boiled. "They're dead, asshole." I said as his face hardened.

"Speak to me with respect, princess." He growled then smacked me. I clenched my jaw and looked down as he walked around to undo the cuffs on my wrists.

"Strip down to nothing then bend over." He said as my heart thudded against my chest. "Now." He said then went to get a jumpsuit for me.

I looked down at my hands to see that my wrists were cut open and dried blood was running down my hands.

I was trembling as I pulled my clothes off. I wished more than anything to have a female officer with me instead of this misogynistic asshole.

Once I was stripped down the officer turned around and looked at me. He licked his lips as he let his eyes trail slowly down my naked body then back up again.

I could feel the stomach bile climbing up my throat as a gross smile formed on his lips.

"Bend over and cough twice." He said then slowly circled around me so he could face my back. I bent over then coughed twice.

It made me so incredibly uncomfortable having this man be behind me when I was in such a vulnerable state, but I knew the faster I did this the faster I could get out of here.

"Put this on, then you're gonna have your phone call." The officer said and handed me an orange jumpsuit. "This is all a big mistake..." I said quietly, feeling a fit of rage filling my chest.

Colby and I didn't deserve such a hefty fine, since it was just a dumb mistake we made.

"Tough shit, sweet cheeks." He said as I quickly put on the jumpsuit. It was a couple sizes too big so I was swimming in it but I would take that over being naked any day.

Once I was fully dressed the guard took all of my belongings then pulled my hands in front of me and handcuffed my hands together tightly, causing me to hiss from the pain.

"That's for calling me an asshole." He said then pushed me towards the wall of phones.

"Shit...can I look up someones number?" I asked the officer as he shook his head. "Should have thought about that before. You have five minutes." He said then pushed me towards the phone.

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