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"When did you want to do this ritual?" Sam asked as we all stood up. "Uh...well we should get headphones and a blindfold." I said then looked at Colby.

"We can go to the store then come back or we can just do it tomorrow." Colby said as I pursed my lips.

"It's up to you guys. It's not my video." I said then looked at Sam. "I say we do it tonight. If it doesn't work then we can try again tomorrow." Sam said as I nodded.

"That's probably a good idea...I don't know if I'll be able to do it at all." I said with a sigh.

"I think you can do it, you really have a gift." Colby said as we made our way to the main entrance of the asylum.

"Yeah, I guess it's just out of my comfort zone." I explained as I twisted my necklace.

"There's nothing wrong with being out of your comfort zone. It makes you stronger." Sam said then nudged my shoulder as I nodded.

"Yeah, I just hope I can do it." I said with a sigh as we walked out to the car. "I believe in you, love." Colby said then kissed my head. "Thank you." I said then got in the car.

We drove to the nearest Walmart so we could get some soundproof headphones and a blindfold. "Can we maybe get some snacks too?" I asked as we walked down the aisles.

"Yeah, we have to get you fueled up." Colby said as I breathed a laugh.

"Fuel me up like a car." I said then stopped when we got to the headphones. "Do you think these will work?" Sam asked and picked up a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

"Probably, I've never done this so I really don't know." I said then grabbed the box and looked at it.

"It should probably be fine." I said then looked at Colby. "Where are the blindfolds?" I asked as he grinned.

"Why are you asking me?" He asked with a laugh as I shrugged. "No reason." I said then winked and turned away from him.

"I wish I was wearing those headphones right about now." Sam said as I laughed and took Colby's hand.

"Sorry, Sam." I said as we made our way to where the sleeping masks were. We grabbed a basic eye mask then went to go grab some snacks.

"Hmmm...Oreos." I said then grabbed the pack as my phone rang. "Shit." I whispered then pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered as Ki sighed. "Nova and Luna won't stop crying." She said as I frowned. "Can you put me on speaker phone?" I asked and looked up at Colby. "Yeah." Ki said then put me on speaker phone.

I could hear the girls crying loudly which broke my heart. "Hi sweethearts." I said as Colby came over so he could listen in. "I know you want some cuddles.." I said as my eyes watered. "Here.." Colby said then took my phone.

I looked up at him and pinched my lip with my fingers as he started to quietly sing to them. He only sang for a couple seconds before the crying on the other line died down.

"Thank god." Ki breathed out as I took my phone from Colby. "I'm so sorry, Ki..." I said, feeling guilty.

"It's okay. Are things going okay?" She asked as Colby sighed. "It's been alright. We're about to do a ritual." He said as Ki chuckled. "Alright, well don't get possessed." She said as I breathed a laugh.

"Wow, you're taking that better than I thought you would." I said then grabbed a bag of chips and led the way to the registers.

"Yeah, you guys are idiots when it comes to paranormal things so I was expecting something like this." Ki said as I nodded.

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