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I gasped and looked at Colby for a second, trying to map out if he was really here or if this was just a sick trick that my mind was playing on me.

He had a bouquet of roses which he was holding in his hand. I watched as he dropped his bag on the ground, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Are you real?" I whispered as he grinned. "I think so." He said as my eyes watered. "I missed you." I whispered then ran, jumping into his embrace.

"I missed you, too." Colby whispered as he scratched my back, lifting me so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

I hid my face in the crook of his neck as I hugged him tightly. I tried to memorize the way it felt to have his arms around me.

"How did you get here?" I asked after a couple minutes.

"We drove a couple hours to another airport. They had one flight to LA so Sam and I booked it. I'm sorry I wasn't here all day." He said as I pulled away to look at his face.

"I'm just glad you're here now." I said quietly and took his face in my hands. I lowered my lips to his, causing him to react immediately by tightening his arms around me.

I could feel my heart exploding from the amount of love that was pouring through me. I just missed him so fucking much.

"You're beautiful." Colby said as I pulled away. "I look so bad right now." I said as he lowered me to my feet.

"Are you kidding? You look stunning. I love your new hair." He said then brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Shit. I was going to debut it a little bit better than this." I said then ran my fingers through it, trying to get the knots out.

"Violet, you're beautiful. The most stunning person I've ever seen." Colby said then winked. "I got you these." He said then handed me the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you. I wish the girls were awake. They would freak the fuck out seeing you." I said then led the way to the kitchen. "I'll see them in the morning. I can't wait to hold them." He said as I smiled.

"Unfortunately I'll only see them for tomorrow morning before I leave them again." He said as I scrunched my brow. "Where are you going?" I asked as he grinned.

"We're going on a little trip. Just you and I." Colby said as I sighed. "I unpacked my bag." I said as I put the roses in a vase.

"Well I guess we're just gonna have to pack it back up then." He said as I nodded. "Okay, but your present is in the closet still. You can't see it yet." I said as he nodded.

"I won't." He said then pulled me into him. I grinned as he pressed his lips to mine again. I couldn't believe that we were finally together again after what felt like years.

It felt amazing to have him back.

"What was that for?" I asked as he caressed my cheek gently. "I just missed you." He said quietly as I smiled. "I missed you too. More than you know." I said then turned towards the containers of cookies I made.

"I made you these." I said as he laughed. "That's a lot of crisis cookies." He remarked as I nodded. "I was really upset." I said as he frowned.

"I'm so sorry, love." Colby said as I handed him a cookie. "It's okay. It was out of your control." I said quietly as he shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have even let it be cut that close. We should have only went for a week." Colby said as I shrugged.

"You couldn't have known about a fuel shortage. I can't be mad about that." I said as he looked at me.

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