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"Colby!!" Sam yelled as I scratched at my throat, trying to pry his hands off of me. Colby's face was filled with anger as he lifted me off my feet by my neck.

"Colby! You're killing her!!" Sam yelled then tried to get him to pull away from me.

My vision started to get foggier the longer my airflow was cut off. "COLBY!!" Sam screamed then tackled him, causing him to let go of me.

I fell to ground and started coughing as the air filled my lungs rapidly.

"Stay down, dude!" Sam said as he fought Colby to stay on the floor. "V, are you okay?" He asked and looked over at me.

I couldn't respond because I was still coughing but I put a thumbs up, showing him I was okay. "I'll kill her!" Colby screamed as he fought Sam off.

"Snap out of it!!!" Sam screamed then smacked Colby in the face. As soon as Sam's hand collided with his cheek, Colby went silent.

He blinked for a minute before looking over at me. "V, what happened?" He asked as I held my neck, trying to catch my breath.

"You tried to kill her." Sam said as Colby's jaw dropped. "I...what?" He asked and stood up so he could look at me.

I looked up at him for a second, feeling just an ounce of fear as he took a step closer. "Violet...I'm so-" He started but was interrupted by the sound of a loud growl as he was lifted into the air and thrown into the concrete wall on the other side of the room.

"COLBY!!! I screamed as he crumpled to the ground, his head bleeding. "Oh god!" Sam yelled as we ran over to him.

"Colby please wake up." I begged and looked at Sam as I checked Colby's pulse.

"It's so weak. We have to go to a hospital, Sam! Please take him to a hospital!" I sobbed out. "Okay, let's go!." Sam said then lifted Colby up with my help.

"Take him to the car, I'm getting the stuff." I said then quickly started packing up the equipment. Sam nodded then went up the stairs as fast as he could.

I could feel my hands trembling so bad that I was having a hard time grabbing the equipment.

"I know your fears." I heard something whisper behind me. "Don't fucking touch him!" I yelled angrily and grabbed the rest of the stuff.

I heard screaming coming from the basement as I ran up the stairs but I ignored it.

I needed to get to Colby.

When I got outside Sam was running frantically around the car. "Get in!" He yelled as I nodded and ran towards the car.

I got in the backseat then carefully pulled Colby's head in my lap. "Please don't leave me...please don't leave me." I begged and carefully brushed his hair from his forehead.

"Keep it together, Violet. He needs you to be strong." Sam said as he raced down the driveway. "It knows." I whispered but kept my eyes on Colby. "It knows what?" Sam asked as my eyes watered.

"It knows that losing him is my worst fear." I mumbled and caressed Colby's cheek gently. "You're not gonna lose him." Sam said sternly.

I didn't know if he was saying it for me or if he was trying to convince himself of the same thing.

I kept my eyes down then checked Colby's pulse again. It was still slow but it was better than it was before. I was so scared because he looked so lifeless.

I couldn't lose him.

When Sam got to the hospital he ran in so he could notify the ER that they needed to come get Colby.

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