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I walked quickly down the hallway then walked to the elevator as my heart shattered. I was starting to regret coming here, even though I knew that I did the right thing.

"Hurry up." I whispered at the elevator as I waited for it to open. I didn't want Colby to come out here and try to talk to me because no matter what he would say it wouldn't matter.

My heart was too broken to repair right now.

After a couple seconds the door finally opened. I sniffled then got in the elevator and pushed the button to take me down to the lobby.

I was getting flashbacks to when we were at this hotel last time.

I remembered so clearly crying in this exact elevator because of something Daisy said. Colby was there to comfort me, even though I pushed him away.

This time Colby was the reason for the heartbreak.

When I got down to the lobby I walked out of the front doors and made my way to the park that was next to the hotel. I felt the nostalgia coursing through my veins as I walked down the road.

Memories of Colby and I falling in love flooded my mind, reminding me how much I adored him.

It killed me that I pissed him off so badly that he would admit that I was selfish and controlling. I guess that was sort of true.

I was being selfish because I decided to come here without communicating with him about it, which meant I was also controlling.

I felt like shit.

When I got to the park I walked over to the swing set, sitting down on one of them. I had stopped crying but my heart was really tattered. I just hated fighting with Colby so much.

I sat there for a little while, watching the birds as they flew by. It was well into the morning now, so there were a couple people out by the pond.

I felt my heart crack at the sight of a family that was having a morning picnic.

It made me miss the girls.

Maybe Colby was right, that I shouldn't have left them alone again. It wasn't fair to our friends and it wasn't fair to the girls that my selfish ass decided to disobey my husband and fly across the country.

I had to remind myself that he was in danger.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting on the swing next to me. I looked over to see Colby sitting there, looking down at his hands as he twisted his rings.

"I really didn't mean it..." He said after a minute of silence. "Yeah, you did." I said quietly as he looked up. "No, I was just angry, V. I was just being an asshole." He said as my eyes watered again.

"Sometimes when someone is really angry they say things that they would be too afraid to say otherwise." I said and looked down at my hands. "Violet..." Colby said quietly as he reached over and took my hand.

"Look at me." He said as I sighed. I looked up at him as tears welled in my eyes.

"I'm just an asshole, V. I love you more than anything in the world so seeing you put yourself in danger after I tried so hard to protect you was hard to process." He explained as the tears trickled down my cheeks.

"Do you realize though that I care about you too? I knew that something bad was happening to you. That's why I came." I said then blubbered out a sob.

"Did you even realize when all of the shit stopped happening while you were in the room? It stopped when I walked into that place." I said as he sighed.

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