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I sat and waited in the waiting area again until Sam could come get me. We decided since we were easing into telling Colby things that we shouldn't bring me in immediately.

I was honestly a little bit nervous to delve into giving Colby more information. I was terrified that he wouldn't love me ever again. I was scared that this was the end of our relationship.

I was scared that I was going to lose the other half of myself.

After a while Sam came into the waiting area. "Ready for me?" I asked and stood up. "Um...well...actually I think this is a bad idea." He said as I scrunched my brow. "What do you mean?" I asked as he pursed his lips.

"Every time I mention your name his head starts to ache even more. I don't think he's ready to meet you just yet." He said as my heart sank.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown. "I think that you should go home and be with the twins." Sam said as anger boiled within me.

"No! I'm not fucking leaving him, Sam!" I said as he sighed.

"Just listen to me, Vi. Explaining to him why you're going on the plane with us home is going to be a nightmare." He said and took my hands.

"It would be the best if you went home and grabbed some of his stuff from your place and bring it to my house. We're going to get him back but we can't hurt him in the process." He said gently.

"I just can't leave him, Sam. I know it sounds crazy but I can't." I said as he sighed.

"He wouldn't want you sitting in this waiting room alone. He would want you to be home with the twins, Kat, and Ki. I promise I'll take care of him and let you know when he's ready to see you." Sam explained.

I knew he had a point but I couldn't get myself to leave him. I knew that this was my fault and I knew that I would never be able to live with myself if I left him but he was right.

I would just be sitting here alone and with my thoughts.

"Do you trust me?" Sam asked as I nodded. "I do." I said as he smiled. "Then go home and prepare. I'll take care of him." Sam said with a nod. I stared at him for a minute, letting the idea sit in my brain.

"Okay." I whispered. "Do you want me to take you to the airport?" He asked as I nodded.

"Okay, let me just go tell Colby's parents. They just came to visit." He said as I nodded. "Will you bring my bag home? It's still in the room." I said and sat down.

"Yeah, I'll bring it home with us. I'll be back." Sam said then walked out of the room. I sighed then grabbed my phone so I could look up plane tickets.

I also texted Ki, asking her if she could pick me up from the airport.

It was killing me that I was going home without Colby but I knew that Sam was going to take care of him for me.

I knew we needed to do this if we wanted him back.

After a while Colby's mom came out to the waiting room. "Hey, sweetie." She said as I stood up. "Hi." I said then opened my arms so she would hug me. "How are you feeling?" She asked and hugged me tightly.

"I'm in so much pain." I said quietly. "I know. I'm so proud of you though. This has to be impossibly hard." She said as I nodded and pulled away.

"It is. Do you think I'm a bad wife for leaving him?" I asked and looked at her.

"No, sweetheart. I think you're amazing wife for staying here for as long as you did and I think you're an amazing mother for going home to be with your daughters." She said and brushed my hair behind my ear.

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