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When I woke up I felt my stomach flip. "Ohhhh.." I groaned then got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I threw myself onto the ground then let the contents of my stomach out and into the toilet.

I groaned and held my hair back as I trembled. I hated nothing more than feeling sick but I especially hated feeling sick the minute I woke up.

As soon as I felt good enough to stand I went into the closet so I could change. I grabbed one of Colby's hoodies and a pair of shorts.

I got dressed then went back into the bathroom so I could wipe my makeup off, which was now streaming down my cheeks.

I wiped my makeup off then brushed my teeth before leaving to go downstairs.

I didn't even know what time it was but I could hear talking in the living room. I slowly made my way there, rubbing my belly gently.

"Hey, you're up!" Sam said causing everyone to look over at me. "What are you guys up to?" I asked as I walked into the room. "We're playing a trivia game." Colby said as I sat next to him. "I take it you're winning?" I asked as Kat handed Nova off to me.

"Absolutely not." He said as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Well I'm here now so we're gonna win." I said quietly as I bounced Nova in my lap. "Shhhh." Kat said and smacked my arm gently.

"Okay, what was the first known city in America?" Sam asked as I sat up. "Who's this question for?" I asked as Sam pointed to Colby and I. "Oh, St. Augustine." I said with a shrug as Nova giggled.

"What the fuck? How did you know that?" Sam asked as I shrugged. "I'm smart." I said then sat up straight. "Okay, what was the first toy to be advertised on television?" Kat asked Ki and Shawn.

"Fuck....uh...the slinky?" Ki asked and looked at Shawn shrugged. "Sounds good to me." He said then looked at Kat. "Nope, it's Mr. potato head." She said then giggled and handed me a card so I could read them a question.

I grabbed the card then felt my stomach turn again. "Uhhh..wait.." I said then stood up and handed Colby the card quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked as I quickly laid Nova in Kat's arms. I shook my head then ran away so I could go to the bathroom.

"V?!" Colby called out as I threw up in the toilet. "Hey, oh...are you feeling sick?" He asked as I dry heaved. "Shit..yeah. That was a dumb question, I'm sorry." He said then sat on the ground, holding my hair back as I started to cry.

"Oh..baby..." Colby whispered as I heaved again. "I hate this." I groaned as I hit my hand on my ground.

"I know, baby. Just take your time." He said gently as the door opened slightly. "Are you okay, V?" Sam asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, just pregnant." I mumbled then sat up, wiping my mouth. "We'll be out in a minute." Colby said as Sam nodded and turned to leave.

"I'm sorry." I said then rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's not your fault, V. Your body is doing something amazing." He said and held me tightly. "Yeah, I wish it didn't suck so bad sometimes." I said quietly. "Yeah, you're doing amazing though." He said as I nodded.

"I need to brush my teeth." I said then pulled away from him so I could get up.

"Okay, I'll get your favorite blanket set up in the living room." Colby said as I chuckled. "I love you." I said as he stood up. "I love you too." He said then kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him then turned to go upstairs. I went into the bathroom again then brushed my teeth one more time.

When I got back downstairs, Colby had made me a cup of ginger tea and heated up a bowl of stuffing.

"Sorry guys." I said then sat on the couch, wrapping my blanket around my shoulders. "It's okay, I know how shitty pregnancy symptoms can be." Ki said as Colby handed me the bowl of stuffing.

"Yeah, anyways...where were we?" I asked and took a bite of the food, hoping it would calm my stomach. "It's your turn. What's the hottest planet in the solar system?" Shawn asked as I looked at Colby.

"Do you know it?" I asked as he bounced the girls in his lap. "No clue." He said as I giggled. "It's Venus. It's hot as fuck there...like 450 degrees celsius." I said as everyone looked at me. "How are you so smart?" Ki asked as I shrugged.

"I was really good at school, I don't know." I said then took another bit of food.

I remember my mom and dad being so into trivia. They used to go to trivia nights all the time and would sometimes invite me.

My dad was freakishly smart so when I started getting older I wanted to beat him at trivia, so I just had a bunch of random facts stored in my brain.

We ended up playing games for a long time, before we decided it was time to sing happy birthday to Sam.

Colby brought the girls up to bed since it as getting late. While he did that, I grabbed the pie and started setting up the candles.

"This looks so good." Sam said as I lit the candles. "I hope you like it, I made it with love." I said as Colby jogged into the room.

"Okay, I'm here." He said then stood next to me. "Start singing, Kat." I said then nudged her. As soon as Kat started singing we all joined in. It made me so happy seeing Sam's face light up as we sang to him.

He really deserved so much happiness.

When we finished singing Sam blew the candles out, causing us to all cheer. "Thanks guys!" Sam said as Kat kissed his cheek.

"What did you wish for?" Ki asked as I went to grab a knife. "I'm not going to tell you because then it won't come true." Sam teased as I cut the pie.

"So you wished for sex." Ki said as Kat laughed. "Ki, Stoooopppp!" Sam whined dramatically as I giggled. "Children, relax." I said then served the pie. "Sorry, mommy." Ki said and winked at me before grabbing a plate.

We sat and ate our pie. It felt so good to be surrounded by such amazing people.

I loved getting to spend almost every holiday with them. I didn't know how I got so lucky.

"Alright. It's babies bed time." Ki said and put her hand on her belly. "Yeah, we should get going too." Sam said as Ki laughed.

"Baby making time." She teased as Sam smacked her arm. "We have enough babies in the friend group for now." Kat defended as I shook my head.

"Nope, you must join us." I said as she shook her head. "As much as I love throwing up, I'm gonna say no." Kt said then gave me a hug.

"I won't pressure you." I said then hugged Sam. "Text me when you get home." I said as he nodded. "You got it." He said then left the room with Kat. "You too. Text me when you get home." I said then hugged Ki and Shawn.

"We will. Love you, V." Ki said as she hugged me. "Love you, too." I said then walked with them to the front door with Colby. We waved goodbye to them as they left the house.

As soon as the door closed I looked at Colby. "I feel like ass." I mumbled as he frowned. "Still?" He asked as I nodded. "Little bean is really kicking my ass." I said as he walked over and put his hand on my belly.

"Can I do anything to help?" He asked as I shook my head. "No, I just have to get through it." I said with a sigh. "Maybe you just need to lay down." He said as I nodded. "Yeah, let's go to bed." I said then led the way upstairs.

When we got to the bedroom I walked over to the bed and crawled under the covers while Colby pulled his shirt off. He then pulled his jeans off and got in bed with me. "I love you." I said quietly as he pulled me into his chest.

"I love you, more. Thanks for being the best wife ever." He said as I giggled. "I wouldn't go that far, but thank you." I said then kissed his jaw. "I think you're the best." He said quietly. "And I think you're the best." I said and nuzzled into him again.

I was still feeling really nauseous but I felt calm as Colby ran his fingers through my hair gently.

It sucked that I was feeling sick but I was so grateful that Colby was here to help me through the hard parts.

I just loved him so much.

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