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Colby's POV

I woke up to an empty bed which didn't surprise me. I knew that Violet was either in the nursery with the twins or she was downstairs making breakfast.

I sighed then rolled out of bed and made my way to the closet. I decided to do the laundry since Violet was so stressed out.

I was honestly really worried about her but I was trying to not be overbearing.

I couldn't even imagine how hard the past couple weeks were for her. I was appreciative that she was so open with how she was feeling.

It scared me to know that she was thinking about suicide and that she was feeling like how she felt when her parents first died.

I just wanted to help her get through it.

I grabbed the laundry then went into the nursery to see if the girls were in there, but they weren't which meant they were downstairs with Violet.

I grabbed the laundry from the girls' room then went down to the laundry. I threw everything into the washing machine then turned and went towards the kitchen.

Violet was flipping pancakes while Nova and Luna sat in their highchairs.

It looked like Violet gave them each some banana because they were smashing it on the trays in front of them.

"Good morning." I said causing both Nova and Luna to giggle and reach for me. "Hi sweethearts. Did mommy give you a banana?" I asked as Luna held out her hand which was covered in banana.

"Yeah, I needed to keep them occupied." Violet said quietly as I walked over to her.

"I think it's a great idea." I said then gave her a kiss. "How'd you sleep?" She asked and turned to the stove again.

"Like a rock. How about you?" I asked and went to grab a glass of water. Violet just shrugged and kept her eyes on the pancakes.

I could tell something was off with her but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"You okay?" I asked and walked over to the twins. "Mhmm. I have a headache." Violet said as Nova giggled and pounded her banana covered hands on the tray in front of her.

"Did you not sleep?" I asked and caressed Nova's cheek as she smiled up at me.

"Wasn't tired." She said then plated up the pancakes and walked over to me. "You look pretty tired to me." I said as she sniffled.

"Maybe a little." She mumbled then grabbed a wet towel and walked over to the girls.

"Just talk to me, V." I said as she shrugged. "I just don't feel good." She said and looked up at me. When she looked at me her eyes were bloodshot and her nose was red.

I frowned and brought my hand to her forehead then sighed. "You're really warm.." I said then took the towel from her.

"Go to bed, I'll bring you some medicine." I said as she shook her head.

"I'm fine." Violet said then took the towel and started wiping Luna's hands. "Nope. Bed." I said and took the towel from her again.

"Colby I-" She said and reached for the towel. "Let me take care of you, V." I said as she sighed.

"I made pancakes and bacon. The girls ate some banana and they nursed so they should be okay." She said then sniffled and looked up at me.

"Will you...will you still spend time with me?" She asked quietly.

I sighed then smiled sympathetically before brushing her hair from her face. "Yes, love. Now get your cute ass up to bed." I said then kissed her cheek.

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