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I spent the rest of the night being tormented by the demon. She would show me my worst fears and my previous trauma.

I didn't get any sleep and it felt like all of the energy was being sucked out of me.

I could tell I had a fever and I was exhausted but I was ready to get this taken care of.

I texted Amanda, asking when she would be here. I was hoping she would be able to come sooner rather than later because I was sick of the torture.

I could tell that the demon was serious about killing me.

I was worried she was going to take over my body or something since she talked about waiting for so long for someone like me.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered and leaned back into the couch.

"Hey, Violet! I'm about 30 minutes away from home so I can be at your place in like an hour. Are you doing okay?" Amanda asked as I sighed.

"It's really bad." I mumbled. "I know, you're gonna be okay. Try to get some fresh air and I'll hurry my ass there." She said as I nodded.

"Thanks Amanda." I said and sniffled. "Stay strong, remember that you're stronger than it. You have God on your side." Amanda said as I nodded.

"I'm trying." I whispered and stood up. "I'll see you when you get here." I said then hung up.

"I think it's cute that you think she can help you." The demon said as she sat next to me. "She can and she will." I said then got up.

"You really don't learn do you? I own you now. You're mine." She said and walked over to me. "You look tired." She said maniacally.

"Shut the fuck up." I grumbled then turned to go upstairs.

I thought I was going crazy because I was genuinely having a constant conversation with the demon that was slowly killing me.

It also freaked me out that she looked like me. It felt like she was trying to me against myself.

I went upstairs and went into the bedroom so I could take a shower and get ready.

When I got to the bathroom I walked over to the mirror.

I noticed that my skin was extremely pale and there were bruises along the bottom of my eyes that trailed down my cheeks.

My eyes were darker than they usually were and I honestly just looked like death.

I sighed then turned to the shower.  I turned the knob so that the water would be as hot as possible.

I wanted to be able to feel something for the first time in a long time.

When I got in the shower I let the water burn my skin a little bit before I washed my hair and body.

I let my mind drift off for just a minute, thinking about Colby and the twins.

I knew having them away was what was best for us but not having them here with me was horrible.

I was scared that this thing was going to kill me before Amanda could even get here.

My mind drifted off for a while before I shook my head and finished up my shower. When I got out I realized I had bruises riddling my whole body which was concerning.

"Are you getting tired?" The demon asked as I walked to the closet. I ignored her and went to get changed. I didn't want to respond to her or acknowledge her at all because I felt like I was giving her more power.

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