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The nightmares were unbearable. I would relive it over and over again, feeling the burning sensation on my skin.

I begged my mind to let my body to wake up so I wouldn't have to endure the pain anymore but I couldn't.

I felt like I was trapped in the trauma.

After what felt like years, I finally woke up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, sniffling as tears trailed down my cheeks.

I noticed Colby wasn't in the room with me anymore which made me a little sad.

There was literally no way I was going to be able to be away from him again.

I got out of bed and went over to my suitcase so I could pull out a sweater. I didn't want anyone to see the hickeys on my neck, and I didn't want to see the bruises on my arms.

Once the sweater was on, I made my way downstairs. I heard commotion in the living room which led me to believe people were in there.

When I walked into the room, Sam and Colby were sitting on the floor watching the girls as they crawled around.

"Hey, beautiful." Colby said as he looked up at me. "Hi." I said quietly then sat down next to him.

"How'd you sleep?" Colby asked quietly as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Like ass." I said and rubbed my eye with my sleeve.

"Aw. I'm sorry, baby. I should have stayed in there with you." Colby said as Luna crawled over to me. "It's okay. I'd rather have you spend time with these little girls." I said as Luna reached for my hands.

I sat up and took her hands, smiling at her as she pulled herself up to stand. "Oh, you're getting so big." I said quietly as Kat walked into the room.

"Oh! You're awake!" She said with a smile as Luna bounced happily, holding onto my hands.

"I have some mac and cheese in the oven. Ki is going to come over when she gets back from dropping her parents off at the airport." Kat said as I nodded.

  "Thanks, Kat. I really appreciate that." I said as Colby pulled Nova into his lap. "I think the girls might need some milk soon." Colby said as I nodded.

"Yeah, we can also give them some mac and cheese." I said as Luna giggled and looked up at me with shining eyes.

"I love you." I whispered and smiled at her. "Do you want anything to drink, V?" Sam asked as he stood up. "Vodka." I said as he chuckled. "Alright, white claw?" He asked as I nodded.

"You got it." He said then left the room. "I guess I should feed them before I drink alcohol." I said with a sigh.

"Come on little monkeys." I said then pulled Luna into my lap. I then stood up and looked at Colby. "Can we feed them in the bedroom?" I asked as he nodded.

"Of course." He said with a small smile then stood up with Nova in his arms. "We'll be in the kitchen." Kat said then skipped towards the kitchen.

When we got to the bedroom I sat on the bed and pulled my sweater away so I could position Luna.

"Okay." I said then reached out for Colby to lay Nova in my open arm. I positioned her under my sweater then looked up.

Colby was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He smiled softly, watching me carefully. "What?" I asked quietly as he smiled.

"Nothing, baby. I'm just admiring you." He said as I chuckled. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked and carefully drummed the girls' backs. "No, I'm not tired though." He said as I frowned.

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