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"Does this mean we're having twins again?" Colby asked as he traced circles onto my shoulder.

"That's not how it works." I said with a laugh and looked up at him. "Are you excited?" I asked as he nodded and looked down at me.

"Yeah, are you?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, excited but terrified. Kat and Ki already know because I took the tests when they were there." I said with a sigh.

"I'm almost ten weeks along....so it's pretty early." I said quietly as he nodded. "I know. We'll take it one step at a time like we always do." He said then tightened his grip on me.

"This kinda sucks though because now we can't use the hot tub." Colby said as I frowned. "That would have been so fun." I said then rested my head on his chest again.

Colby and I ended up staying up talking for a while before we both fell asleep. It was honestly the best night sleep I have had in a long ass time but I couldn't tell if it was because the girls weren't here to wake me up, or if it was because of the sex.

Either way it was amazing.

I woke up, feeling the familiar feeling of my stomach churning. "Ohh..." I groaned then sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up.

Unfortunately my legs were sore from last night so they gave out on me, causing me to fall to the ground. "Oof-" I grunted as Colby groaned, sitting up.

"You okay?" He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "I have to throw up but your stupid dick destroyed me." I said then started standing up.

"My dick is not stupid, and I warned you." He said with a laugh then got out of bed. "Shu-" I started but was interrupted by the feeling of bile rising in my throat.

I got up then sprinted towards the bathroom, holding my mouth. "Oh, shit." Colby said as he jogged into the bathroom, where I was spilling my guts out.

"I've got you." Colby said as I tried to hold my hair back. He took my hair then scratched my back gently, trying to distract me from the nausea.

"This is why I cut my hair." I mumbled and rested my head on the cold toilet. "Really?" He asked as I nodded.

"Also the girls keep pulling it." I said then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "That seems like a valid reason." He said as I leaned up.

"Sorry for waking you." I said as he shook his head and gently brushed my hair with his fingers. "Don't worry about it. Sorry for paralyzing you with my dick." He said as I breathed a laugh.

"You're a dork." I said as he nodded. "Yeah, so are you." He said then stoop up so he could help me stand.

"Do you want to go into town and get breakfast?" Colby asked as I nodded. "Sounds amazing." I said with a smile then went to go into the bedroom so I could get my toothbrush and toothpaste.

When I walked back into the bathroom I went to the sink and started getting ready. Colby came into the room then smacked my ass, causing me to gasp.

"Sorry, couldn't help it." He said then kissed my cheek before turning towards the shower.

"Can I join you?" I asked as he grinned. "It's encouraged." He said then lifted me up and carried me towards the shower.

"I'm still brushing my teeth!" I said with a laugh as he turned the shower on. "Hurry." He said and set me down.

I laughed then finished brushing my teeth before getting undressed. When I got in the shower, Colby pulled me into him kissing me tenderly. I melted against his lips, letting him pull me into him.

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