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"Alright! Let's take a tour." Cory said and led the way into the house. "I'm nervous." Kat said quietly.

I smiled slightly at her then took her hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll be okay." I said as we walked into the living area of the house.

I was immediately hit with a feeling of pressure in my chest. It felt like there were a million eyes watching me.

I could hear Sam and Colby talking to Cory about the house but all of my focus was on my surroundings.

I let my eyes scan the room until I was a little girl standing in the corner of the room.

She looked at me timidly before she ran down the hallway and up the stairs. I shivered as someone shook my shoulder slightly.

"V, are you okay?" Colby asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I just saw a little girl." I said and looked up at him. "Wait really?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, she looked at me for a second then ran up the stairs." I said and pointed towards the direction she ran.

"Is that what haunts this place?" I asked Cory as he chuckled. "The children haunt the place but they're harmless. It's another entity that really haunts this place." He said as I nodded. "Haven't met them yet." I said then looked at Sam, who was filming.

"We can continue, I'm sorry for interrupting." I said as he laughed. "You're supposed to be interrupting, Violet. It's all good." He said then looked at Cory. "Maybe we should head upstairs." Sam said as Cory nodded.

"Right this way." He said then led the way. "How are you feeling?" Colby asked as we made our way towards the stairs.

"I'm alright. A little cold but I'll survive." I said as he shook his head. "I'll go grab you a sweatshirt. I've seen the house already so I'll meet you upstairs." He said then nudged Sam.

"I'll be back." He said then turned and went to leave the house.

"So has anything big happened since we've been here?" Sam asked as we got upstairs.

"Oh yeah, we've seen full body apparitions and someone was even pushed down these stairs. It's getting angrier." Cory explained as Kat whimpered.

"I don't want to do this." She said quietly as I frowned. "It's gonna be alright, Kat. Just focus on positive energy." I said then took her hand again. "How are you not terrified?" She asked as I shrugged.

"I haven't seen anything that's scared me yet and I really don't know anything about this place." I said as I looked around the room we were in.

"The floor plan of this house is so strange." I said through the doorway to see there were two other bedrooms on the sam floor as this one.

"Yeah, it was built in 1836 and it's barely been renovated." Cory explained as Colby came up the stairs.

"Colby! You scared me!" Kat hissed as her hand flew to her chest. "Sorry. I thought you knew I left." He said said then handed me a sweatshirt.

"Thank you, babe." I said then quickly put the sweatshirt on.

"I think it's cool that this is original architecture." I said then took Kat's hand and walked towards the middle bedroom. "Yeah, it makes it feel more authentic." Cory said as my stomach flipped.

"Ohhh." I mumbled and put my hand on my belly. "Are you okay?" Colby asked with concern.

"I don't feel good." I said as my face scrunched with discomfort. "Do you want to leave?" Colby asked as I closed my eyes.

When I did this I could see the image on a girl sitting on the bed that was in the room.

She was wearing a white nightgown and was holding her ears, crying from the fear as her bed levitated.

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