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We waited for a while before the ultrasound technician came in. "Ready for me?" She asked as Colby took my hand.

"Yep, ready." I said with a sigh as I lifted my shirt. "I'm gonna squirt some gel on you. It's gonna be warm though. The technician said as I breathed a laugh.

"Ooo fancy." I said and wiggled my brows as she put the gel on my belly. "Does this hurt?" She asked then glided the wand over my belly. "A little bit but I'll live." I said as Colby squeezed my hand.

"Are you getting flashbacks?" I asked with a laugh as I looked at him. "A little bit." He said with a grin as the technician did my scan.

"It doesn't look like you have any internal bleeding..just a gnarly bruise." She said as I nodded.

"That's good news." I said as Colby sighed with relief. "If the pain isn't too bad I wouldn't take any pain medicine but if it does hurt, only take Tylenol." The technician said as I nodded.

"Tylenol, got it." I said with a smile as she carefully wiped my stomach.

"Any other questions for me?" She asked as I shook my head. "Nope, I'm good." I said as she nodded. "Perfect. I can walk you out." She said with a smile.

"Perfect." I said then got off the bed and reached down and grabbed Nova's carseat.

Colby grabbed Luna's carseat then followed as we all filed out of the room. "That wasn't too painful." I said as we made our way out to the car. "No, I'm glad that there was no internal bleeding. " He said as I nodded.

"Me too. I think that this was the easier part of the day though." I said quietly as Colby took my hand.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through the hard part too." He said as I nodded. "I know we will." I said with a reassuring smile.

Once we got the girls situated in the car we made our way to Sam's house. Luckily we weren't too far away from the house so we were there in less than ten minutes.

"Alright girlies, we'll be back very soon. You probably won't even notice we were gone because it's time for your nap." I explained as we pulled them out of the car.

"Yeah, they're going to be asleep the whole time." Colby said as we walked towards the front door.

I knocked on the door then waited until Sam opened it. "Hey guys, Kat's in the living room." He said and took a step back so we could walk into the house.

"Okay, I'm just gonna stop off the girls so we can go." I said then grabbed Luna's carrier from Colby and made my way towards the living room.

"Hey, V." Kat said with a smile as I got the girls out of their carseats.

"Hey, Kat. Thanks for watching them. I promise we won't be too long. They'll probably sleep the entire time so they shouldn't be a hassle." I said and pulled them both into my arms.

"Don't worry about it, V. I would rather watch your cute babies than have a demon be attached to you." She said as I laughed. "Honestly I appreciate that." I said then bounced the girls for a second.

"Okay, everything you'll need will be in the diaper bag. Don't hesitate to call." I said and laid the girls in her arms.

"I won't need to call. Just be safe alright?" Kat asked as I nodded. "I will. We'll be back soon." I said then turned to leave the room.

When I got to the car I got in the back seat and let out a sigh. "Ready to do this?" Sam asked as he turned to look at me.

"No, but I'm gonna have to be." I said then looked out the window. "You're gonna get through it, V." Colby said as I nodded.

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