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"V, you've been baking all day..."Ki said as I focused on the cookies in front of me. "Violet." Kat said and took my hand, stopping me from working.

"What?" I asked and looked up at them. "Let us help you." Kat said quietly. "You can't." I said then looked down again.

"I'm gonna bring the food you made to Sam and Colby so maybe that will jog some of his memory." Kat said as I shook my head.

"Doubt it." I said then looked at Ki. "Are you going with her?" I asked then looked down at the cookies again.

"If you want me to." She said as I nodded. "I want him to remember you." I mumbled as she sighed.

"I'll only go if you promise you'll stop baking. I don't even know how you still have ingredients." Ki said as I frowned.

"When we lost the baby, Colby stock piled on baking supplies in case I needed to bake." I said quietly then closed my eyes.

"God, I miss him." I mumbled then turned towards the fridge.

"Let me heat this up so you can go." I said then grabbed the lasagna I made earlier today. "What are you going to do when we're gone?" Ki asked as I sighed.

"I'm just gonna hang out with the twins when they wake up. I have to try and distract them so they don't miss Colby too much. I don't know what I'll do if he never remembers them." I said quietly then put the lasagna in the oven.

"He will. Just don't lose hope." Kat said then reached over and squeezed my hand.

I knew I would never lose hope that he would get his memories back. We could be 90 years old and I would still be trying to get him to remember me.

I didn't care if he fell in love with another girl and had kids with her.

I would never give up the love of my life.

By the time the lasagna was done warming up, the girls were waking up from their nap. "Shit, okay. I'll be back." I said then jogged out of the room.

When I got up to the nursery I walked over to the cribs. "Hi, my angels." I said and painted a smile on my face.

"Do you want to come help mommy? I could really use some help." I said and pinched their cheeks.

Nova giggled and kicked her legs out as Luna reached up at me with a big smile on her face.

"Yep. Come on, I'm gonna give you guys some pasta sauce and maybe some mashed up noodles. Yeah, we're going gourmet." I said with a smile and pulled them out of their cribs.

I quickly changed their diapers then got them dressed in a new set of onesies so they would be all fresh and clean.

I walked downstairs then towards the kitchen again. "Are you guys heading out?" I asked and walked over to the highchairs.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna stay at home tonight to spend some time with Sam. Will you be okay?" Kat asked as I nodded.

"Yes, thank you for staying with me for so long." I said and strapped Nova and Luna into their highchairs.

"I'll try to keep you updated on how he's doing." Kat said then hugged me. "Thanks." I said then looked at Ki. "I'll be back later. You're stuck with me." She said with a wink.

"Are you sure? Isn't Shawn mad that you're here all the time?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Shawn feels horrible about what's happening so he would rather have me here with you than with his boring ass." She said as Nova squealed.

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