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"Ow!" I hissed as my head smacked against the door. "Colby, please wake up." I begged and sat up, trying to position Colby so his head would be safely in my lap. "Ki!!" I cried out, putting my hands on Colby's cheeks.

"What's wro-oh my god!" Ki gasped as she opened the door. "Please help! Please!" I begged as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"What happened, Violet?" Ki asked and crouched down as I smoothed Colby's hair down from his forehead.

"He was going to kiss me but the girls started crying and he collapsed." I explained and looked up at her frantically. "Violet, you're bleeding." Ki said as I shook my head.

"I don't care!! We need to help him!" I sobbed out as Ki nodded. "I'll call him inside. I left the twins in the living room." Ki said as I nodded.

"Please help him." I whispered as she nodded. "I'm going to." Ki said then ran inside.

"Please, baby..please wake up. I need you, remember?" I asked and caressed his cheeks. "Nova and Luna need you...we need you..." I sobbed out and kept my eyes on him.

"Sam called an ambulance, he's going to meet us at the hospital. The girls are chilling in their cribs for the time being." Ki said as I looked up at her.

"I can't do this, Ki." I whispered as she shook her head. "You can, V. You're really strong.." She said as I nodded.

"Do you think his memory is coming back?" I asked and looked down at his pale face. "I don't think so, babes." Ki said and leaned against the door frame.

"H-he heard the girls crying...he might remember them..." I said quietly.

"We'll just have to see. I'm gonna get the girls' bags ready so we can go to the hospital. Just try to breathe, okay?" Ki asked as I nodded. "I'm sorry.." I whispered and looked down at Colby again.

"Don't apologize. I'm here for you always." Ki said as the ambulance pulled up. Paramedics came over to us as I sniffled and looked up at them.

"Hi, ma'am. What's going on?" The paramedic asked as I frowned.

"A couple weeks ago he hit his head and got brain damage from it...uh..he's suffering from amnesia so he doesn't remember me." I said quietly as they set up the gurney.

"We were trying to get him to know me and when we back to the house he collapsed." I explained as they carefully transported him onto the board.

"Did he hit his head again?" The paramedic asked as I shook my head. "I don't think so..he fell onto me and I hit my head." I said and brought my hand to the back of my head.

When I looked at my fingers there was blood on them.

"Okay, we're gonna get you checked out. Are you feeling dizzy at all?" The paramedic asked as I shook my head.

"No, I feel fine." I said and tried to stand up. "Let me help you." The paramedic said as they wheeled Colby towards the ambulance.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" I asked as the paramedic helped me up. "I'm not sure. We're going to take care of him though." He said as I nodded.

Ki came out of the house with the twins as I got in the ambulance.

"I'll meet you at the hospital!" She said as I nodded. "It looks like you hit your head pretty hard, they're probably going to have to do some stitches." The paramedic said as I nodded and kept my eyes on Colby.

All I could think about was the light leaving his eyes. I could see him shutting down internally which was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

I thought about the timing of it though. It was literally right when he heard the girls crying. Did he know they were his daughters?

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